Strongest YC1

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Be honest I can´t wait to see more of Queen.
What Oda need to do is to give Queen more danger tension, Sanji so far had it easy against him.
Remember when Luffy face his first commander with a bounty over 860mio? He get wrecked pretty hard, couldn´t even fight back and need G4 to face Cracker. Don´t even wanna start about Katakuri, Queen bounty is 1.320B and he get hyped by Marco for right reason.

I know Sanji get stronger and a powerup, but Queen should give Sanji the amont of trouble as Zoro get from King.
Sanji doesn´t should show here as the equal to Queen, he should be the underdog, not losing like Luffy against Cracker and Kata, but still having hard time to fight Queen back. And this is overall the problem of this raid, even if we face a first yonkou in a all out fight, it doesn´t feel liike that we face a Yonkou crew. Just look Franky,Jinbe and the other characters, all running free and health, only Robin,Usopp and Nami fights give us the feeling that we see a Yonkou crew in action.

So far neither Sasaki was dangerous, don´t wanna even start with WsW who get trashed by Jinbe and from Jack, we didn´t see anything.
It feels like the villians are the underdogs and the strawhats the top guys.
Queen should start wrecking havoc soon all the area. Since King and Zoro leave the place, Oda could finally give Sanjii and Queen destructive feats too.

Hope that Queen get a good portrayal, im happy with King so far, now Queens turn should be start.
I would like it more if Queen would stomp Drake&Apoo before facing Sanji, just to hype him, same for King to Kawamatsu and Denjiro, stomping them and gaining more hype as opponents similar like Katakuri get with Ichiji. Add to this we wouldn´t have so many health characters running out if King,Queen and Jack would take more strong opponents.
I feel a huge issue with the Queen Vs Sanji matchup is that it's hard to justify Sanji Tanking Queen's lasers or even headbutts meaning that unless if Sanji gets a massive durability powerup he flatout isn't gonna be touched in the entire fight
Lol what?

You made the claim that Sanji wasn't going at his maximum speed. As far as I'm concerned whatever speed he showed there was his maximum since he has not shown faster speeds using his Raidsuit. The burden of proof that he wasn't going at his maximum speed is on you bro.

And there's zero logical reasoning to not go at his max speed since he was trying to save an 8 year old's life and get him to safety.
Sanji doesnt even look like hes moving at all. The last panel before King's attack, Momo is literally just floating in front of them. Whether its Sanji going slow or just preparing to fly off, nothing implies Sanji flew off and King chased him down.
Queen is already reacting to his DJ and laughing and shit. Queen has had constant potrayal with Marco and King. Only reason Sanji has been looking good so far is because hes been sneaking Queen the entire time.

Once Queen performs better against a stronger Sanji and RS Sanji as well. He gon easily show hes > Doffy.
I don´t even disagree, his endurance feats seems pretty great, dude take two attacks from Marco who should had at least G3+ or G4 low lvl tier ap, Sanji dj didn´t even tickle him with showing that Queen has a insane endurance.
What I miss is his offensive part, I know he has great arsenal of attacks, but I hope we see more of him soon.
He beeing >Doffy, I don´t disagree...


The Rogue Prince
Won't help him everytime.

King and Marco are faster than Snakeman's attacks, which were seemingly his limit of dodging (he dodged some and couldn't dodge others). Marco kept up with Kizaru, a much faster combatant, at Marineford and King has shown that he can keep up with similar speeds when he could beat Marco offscreen.

If anything there is no proof that Snakeman is faster than Marco/King and that Katakuri can dodge their attacks all the time using Future Sight.
It isn't about being racist or not as if that's a dichotomy, we can all have racist ideas and behaviors, it's just common cultural inheritance; especially for countries like Japan, where subtle racism is everywhere (among other things...). That said, it's clear that, whether doing it right or wrong when he tries, Oda has very progressive intentions. A narrow minded conservative would never write Zoro's past or put trans as one of the most visible faces of the revolution, for example.
Narrow minded conservative you mean, rational non degenerate decent moral not beliving in the propaganda of Mainstream Everything, right you Karl Marx Leftie. We are not Evolving IQ has been droping in the west for 50 years since the 60s cultural revolution we are Devolving. Instead of science and Mats in school we are thought LGBTQ propaganda. Schools in the west are indoctrination prisons where we are thought liberal propaganda.


The Rogue Prince
Sanji doesnt even look like hes moving at all. The last panel before King's attack, Momo is literally just floating in front of them. Whether its Sanji going slow or just preparing to fly off, nothing implies Sanji flew off and King chased him down.
It's pretty simple actually.

If Sanji didn't fly off and gain a good distance from King and Queen, what stopped Queen from shooting/hurting Momo? With all his lasers and that machine gun that he had?

If Sanji was standing right next to King (& Queen) why didn't Queen do anything?

That alone proves my point that Sanji escaped.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Narrow minded conservative you mean, rational non degenerate decent moral not beliving in the propaganda of Mainstream Everything, right you Karl Marx Leftie. We are not Evolving IQ has been droping in the west for 50 years since the 60s cultural revolution we are Devolving. Instead of science and Mats in school we are thought LGBTQ propaganda. Schools in the west are indoctrination prisons where we are thought liberal propaganda.
Yamato is a she
I don´t even disagree, his endurance feats seems pretty great, dude take two attacks from Marco who should had at least G3+ or G4 low lvl tier ap, Sanji dj didn´t even tickle him with showing that Queen has a insane endurance.
What I miss is his offensive part, I know he has great arsenal of attacks, but I hope we see more of him soon.
He beeing >Doffy, I don´t disagree...
I mean he also took 20 mins of MP Chopper torture. And it was stated it had no effect on him. A named attack from MP Chopper has Radical Beam potrayal, and that took down a Tobbi Roppo....whilst G3 couldnt even loosen the jaw of one properly.

Queen has good feats lol. People just hate him. Brachio Bomber cracked Meme's skull.....if Queen can land a Hybrid Brachio Bomber ( replacing weight for speed/haki) on Sanji or RS Sanji. Whats stopping him from landing it on other YC characters lol.

Queen shits lazers and viruses that can oneshot Udon Luffy. Its unfair to put him on the leagues of Smoothie and Jozu.
- Zoro meets Franky, who offers his help. Zoro tells him that there is no need and to escape.

For tag team fans :suresure::suresure:
I am a bit confused about the sequence (this spoiler are bit confusing). When do you think Franky met Zoro in this chapter? at the start inside the dome or to a different location?
Because to me it look like that the final part is when Zoro&King are fighting oustide the dome, hopefully not to far from where Yamato&Momo are moving and not to far from Kaido&Luffy.
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