Strongest YC1

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Right, Oda is very intentional in everything he do, maybe there is a difference.

But still we can split this feat into two:
Where weapons touched:
Shanks vs WB
Big Mom vs Kaido

Where no physical contact:
Roger vs WB
Kaido vs Luffy

So, we have seen WB, Kaido, Roger, and Luffy using "no physical contact CoC".

On the other hand, there is Big Mom and Shanks. We have seen them split skies but with physical contact of weapons.

What would you conclude from this?
Big Mom and Shanks have lower or advanced level of CoC as compared to Roger, WB, Kaido, and Luffy?
But Big Mom hit page 1 using advance CoC too and if every other emperor has advance CoC Shanks should have it too. :fullmom::endthis:
Y'all just over rating King because we have a chapter about him. We all know King will look good then Zoro will have an epic line and basically one hit him. Same shit with Queen. Queen will look good then Sanji is going to absolutely steam roll him.
So 3 swords zoro equal with 1 wing king, but get ragdolled by 2 wing king?
Honestly you gotta appreciate the strength of King here. Among the crew Zoro and Jimbei probably have the best defense, Their often portrayed as very defensive/tanky characters they don't do much dodging in combat, so its very rare to see Zoro get sent flying.



The Rogue Prince
That seemed to be more of a defensive clash, no? He didn't even use a named attack there.

His defense is of course very good but I think some better AP feats are due for Marco rather than just clashing with Meme
I don't really think named or unnamed matters in this context since he's clashing with Big Mom and there's no reason for him to hold back, kinda like during Marineford.

I get where you're coming from but I just like to think that this clash was about Marco's physical strength + haki + flames vs Big Mom's physical strength + haki + Prometheus and we're told that his flames affect the homies. This is pretty much the best AP feat of Marco that we have though so I'd consider this AP to be his limit.


I get where you're coming from but I just like to think that this clash was about Marco's physical strength + haki + flames vs Big Mom's physical strength + haki + Prometheus and we're told that his flames affect the homies. This is pretty much the best AP feat of Marco that we have though so I'd consider this AP to be his limit.
Fair, although I would wager that his AP is still worse than King's, Queen's, and Katakuri's atm and possibly even Sanji depending on how much damage Sanji is able to inflict without RS to Hybrid Queen.
Honestly you gotta appreciate the strength of King here. Among the crew Zoro and Jimbei probably have the best defense, Their often portrayed as very defensive/tanky characters they don't do much dodging in combat, so its very rare to see Zoro get sent flying.


zoro just needs gorillas boom
Honestly you gotta appreciate the strength of King here. Among the crew Zoro and Jimbei probably have the best defense, Their often portrayed as very defensive/tanky characters they don't do much dodging in combat, so its very rare to see Zoro get sent flying.

Even pre-time skip, I think Zoro and Luffy would have had what it took to take down a number(who are pretty much worse oars, who aren't as agile, and unlike Oars, felt pain).


Has Kaido gotten so weak he can't even attack when Luffy wraps him leg around his neck? Or Is base Luffy that strong now even outside his COC attacks?
We'll have to wait and see, although I would not be surprised if it was the former rather than the latter. Kaido should theoretically have much more stamina than what he has shown us so far when you factor in how Aokiji & Akainu were able to fight for 9 days on end.
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