Anime & Manga "Zoro fans" are the most annoying of the OP fandom

Ight bet. It would rlly surprise you to see how many Zoro fans are in the Zoro Fan Club and how they rarely talk or trash other characters. I'm yet to see Zoro fans going to Sanji's club to trash on Sanji tho, and if you go there to do that you suck btw. So yeah, at the end of the day we are the guys called Zoro-tards for making theories and claims like Zoro fighting Kaido but the guys trash-talking 24/7 are angels. Bet.
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Ight bet. It would rlly surprise you to see how many Zoro fans are in the Zoro Fan Club and how they rarely talk or trash other characters. I'm yet to see Zoro fans going to Sanji's club to trash on Sanji tho, and if you go there to do that you suck btw. So yeah, at the end of the dat we are the guys called Zoro-tards for making theories and claims like Zoro fighting Kaido but the guys trash-talking 24)7 are angels. Bet.
Yeah @Zolo is always in the Zoro FC trolling how he's not banned from there yet is beyond me. Say anything in the Sanji FC and it's ban time.
Zoro fans get more personal over Zoro, I have a zoro stan calling me a bitch and retard because I said something he disagreed on( and several people liking his comment). I replied him in his own language at the end.
Not saying all are like that, but its a vocal minority and the other fans support them.
This much is true, please report when you see it.