Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
What i understand from this spoilers is

1. Queen bullies Sanji.
2. Sanji still in base form.
3. Sanji didnt try to block Queen sword, because his exoskeleton awakened.

So you telling me, in the future Sanji might be able to defend his body with CoA + exoskeleton at the same time?
CoA+Exoskeleton+Raid Suit.
MFer is gonna become a human bunker.
This feat is actually dog shit, Zoro tanked just as strong of an attack and then even stronger attack and then got up even faster, where as Sanji was knocked out for most of the arc

This would have kill Sanji if normal lightening K.Oed him

Sanji tanked El Thor. Are we really trying to act like this move was stronger? El Thor literally eviscerates the floor as God's Judgement.

If anything, shit on Sanji for not tanking this like Wyper did lol
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