Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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I realy want to see how the sanjistans that said Zoro had an advantage due to getting healed to fuill midfight while Sanji didnt look right now...Or the ones claiming Enma was a magic powerup.
Yeah, if Sanji was to remain on the monster trio he needed an asspull powerup like that at the very least. But this chapter confirms it, Sanji withoud this new asspull powerup would get massacred by a fucking YC2. Zorofans where right all along.
Wow a fighter got a power up in a shonen manga this is big news, thanks god Zoro doesn't need swords from legends like Ryuma and Oden
AOkiji laid the concept out very clearly, Luffy never goes into a fight thinking there is 0 chance of winning, even against Aokiji before CoA, but he also demanded a 1vs1 to prevent Aokiji from coming after the other crew members. Reread this fight if you don't understand...
Similarly Zoro could see he was outmatched and wanted to spare the others, while clinging to the hope he could win.

No Luffy has declared he WILL win, and the stakes of the fight against Kaido are different. Kaido won't stop if Luffy is defeated, and Luffy is the only one who can (and yes he can and will) defeat him.

Zoro said he is willing to win this fight without swordsmanship and accepts King doesn't see himself as a swordsman.... then gets butthurt when King as already pre-agreed doesn't use swordsmanship against him, it is fucking bizarre and inconsistent.
What are you saying. Zoro saying that just means he wants to die by the sword.
Sanjistans might be happy this chapter, but nothing will erase the fact that we where right about Sanji's powerscalling from the start. Sanji withoud this new powerup was neg diffed by a fucking YC2.

We understand the capabilities of your fav better than you do.
You're the only true Law wanker Ive seen on this platform lol.

Usually the ones who wank law do it for an hidden "Doflamingo top tier" agenda.

I dont necessarily agree with your points though.
Doflamingo is not a top tier Oda just powered Law up offscreen lol

It's too obvious. If Law could tank a thunder bagua from hybrid Kaido back in Dressrosa Doflamingos strings would've bounced off of him



They don't use 8 super rare Meito... There are 83 meitos, so that would be 1/10 of the world supply.
Trying to downplay the importance of Meito on a swordman's fighting potential is just sad...
they would if they could,another moot point .
To say ''oh why doesn't he use worse weapons when he can use good ones'' is childish and ridiculous
@comrade ... saanji not showing his strongest move might be of merit to oda's dilemma-inducing plots that flame Zoro vs Sanji debates..

but if Ashura is zoro's strongest then flambage shot shouldn't be sanji's coz its not even his strongest kick let alone not intense flames..

HM was called ultimate but...against a fodder.. really oda?
Why are people hating on sanji PU when luffy got 2 already & even had time to master it to some degree the same with zoro with his new sword that crazy strong plus it force him to train his coa come on man stop the hate


Talent is something you make bloom.
it was literally stated in manga that haki blooms in battle if usopp had modifications that made him stronger he would have more battles and thus more haki blooms
IF Zoro was stronger than Mihawk by the time Baratie arc happened, he wouldn't have lost.

IF Luffy didn't interrupt Rayleigh on Sabaody, we would have known a lot of secrets from One Piece already.

IF Robin had boarded the ship with the Ohara people, she would have died in the explosion as well.

What are you saying. Zoro saying that just means he wants to die by the sword.
Zoro already acknowledged King wasn't a swordsman and even said he wouldn't give the courtesy of a death by the sword if it came down to it, being willing to bite his neck out...
Now he is losing he wants King to play by rules he never agreed to, or even pretended to agree to.


IF Zoro was stronger than Mihawk by the time Baratie arc happened, he wouldn't have lost.

IF Luffy didn't interrupt Rayleigh on Sabaody, we would have known a lot of secrets from One Piece already.

IF Robin had boarded the ship with the Ohara people, she would have died in the explosion as well.

yes,if only you knew what we 're talking about before you wrote this dumb shit
Such a Sanji will be indeed tough to deal with for Zoro. Like having a double shield with exo skeleton + Raid Suit, speed boost, stronger Diable Jambe and invisibility? Shiryu being able to go invisible means invisibility alone is already an obstacle Zoro has yet to learn to fight against. Combine that with a super durability (Queen's sword breaking against non RS Sanji, while Sanji can use RS on top) and amped DJ.

Wings are wings huh.
Sanji isn't Shillew and will fight lafiate somebody weaker than Zoro opponent. When will yall learn. Everything you just mentioned and Sanji still geys mid diff by Zoro.
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