Title: Brachio Snake-saurus
The Cp0 dude with a tear in his mask gets a call from Rob Lucci
As opposed to having Wano join as one of the allied nations of the WG, the WG intend to forcefully put Wano under it's control
With Queen, I want y'all to think back to Kaku's pasta machine
Kinda like Kaku, he can walk on all his four limbs and taking the form of a snake he separates from his torso with his head and tail intact.
He wraps himself around Sanji with the intent to strangle him to death and then tells Sanji that he'd stop strangling him if he wore his suit
He also mentions that he has a sure-kill cannon that can can fire from his torso via voice control
According to the explanation, he can activate his torso via voice control and it'd self-destruct
Sanji manages to wriggle his way out somehow and comes out of it with several bone fractures but it doesn't hurt
On the next page his bones are healed
Q: In addition to his insane regen, does he also not feel pain? Coz damn, dude is slowly becoming a monster
Q: In addition to automatic regen, if he's also not able to feel pain, that is pretty insane~!
A: (Leaker): Sorry, I misread it
Seems like it hurt but he was able to move
On the last panel when he got slashed, there was no cut/injury on his body, kinda like he was struck by a blunt attack and there was a very small "ouch" speech bubble right after it