Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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you're right i don't know your reddit but i remember you linking the same post there everytime someone called you out on you being a fake zoro fan.
i never linked reddit on this forum every.. i swear to the lord the most gracious i believe in

now to the next part.. give me one instance i said shit about zoro in the fan club.. you pusslinimous runt.. go ahead
I dont think Sanji has Lunarian DNA its just bait from Oda to bring in King’s clan. But yh I do see Sanji’s AP PU being fire based like it aways is. Either invisible fire by combining base invisibility with DJ or DJ’s full potential is unlocked.
He has better attack power with RS and if his bidy now strele his attacks will be stronger too.


Zoro Worshipper
Because Luffy is an idiot. Any logical person would do the same thing as Sanji, no? If this wasn't a shonen most, if not all, of the strawhats would've died in WCI
Not really.
Sanji is part of that idiot's crew apparently plus he shares his lack of fear by taking on such massive dangers since he joined and is used to. He should have trusted his nakama to get through the umpteenth crazy scenario instead of giving up on his dream that easily.
Yeah, that is the best explanation for Sanji's current PU, although it does seem a bit weird that simply wearing suit grants him a mutation
not really rmb only the person the raid suit was made for can actually wear the raid suit. this means that in germa they must still have sanji's dna there and over the ears they must have seen that there is still potential in him thus maybe they made his raid suit a catalyst/key for his mutation to kick in if not why give him the raid suit at all


Guys, so help me understand something

So Sanji decided to go with the Big Mom pirates because he wanted to leave the crew safe out of Big Mom's threat and because he didn't want the Baratie guys hurt right?

But Sanji had to know very well that Luffy and the crew would go after him anyway, he just HAD to know, it's dumb to even consider that Luffy would listen and not go after him. After all Sanji saw Luffy go against the whole World Governament to try and save Robin and Ace.

So he already knew that he would be putting the crew in danger anyway by staying or leaving, it was all on the Big Mom Pirates. But by leaving he would've put them in even more danger right? because then the Straw Hats would try to invade Big Mom's base and fight against her complete crew's might head on and they would also not have Sanji with them to help.

Now, if he rejected it, he would've had to fight against Baron Tamago, Bege and his men, so could he have defeated those guys just with Nami's help? maybe he could, but i guess he didn't believe it, since he was afraid they wouldn't be able to deal with them and they would hurt Nami right? so Sanji really couldn't defeat Tamago and Bege?

and the next thing is about Zeff and the Baratie, now i agree there's nothing Sanji could do about saving Zeff or the Baratie here but to accept the deal right? but then, later on in the arc, when Sanji decides to betray Big Mom, is there anything saying Zeff and the Baratie are gonna be safe before he betrays them? because if there wasn't, Sanji put Zeff and the Baratie in danger the same way he would've if he had rejected in the first place right? making his decision in the past completely wrong, because he put Zeff and the Baratie in the same danger later on and also put the Straw Hats in even more danger than if he had rejected.

I'm wrong here?

was there some safety guarantee for Zeff and the Baratie that i forgot before he betrayed them? and why the fuck was Sanji never worried anymore about them since the end of Whole Cake? how was that solved?

I actually forgot, if there was a solution.


That doesn't even make sense, like are you mentally challanged or what? You got nothing to say, then proceeds to name call and say I never disagreed.
You are legitimately stupid. I call you out on your nitpicking, that's all i did. Sanji has moments where he's both an asshole, and where he's not. But you only focus on the former, because you're a low IQ brainlet trying to get attention.


Zoro Worshipper
not the easiest but the most logical one, other roads would have eneded up killing zeff... Easiest ? you think him kicking luffy was easy ? even luffy, who can by the way sense people's emotions, said that sanji was suffering more than him... two piece reader ?
Not really.
Sanji is part of that idiot's crew apparently plus he shares his lack of fear by taking on such massive dangers since he joined and is used to. He should have trusted his nakama to get through the umpteenth crazy scenario instead of giving up on his dream that easily.
@zorji you are still not getting it. One day you may manage.
Keep in mind bleakash joined this forum disguised as a zorofan just to keep downplaying and talking trash about him.
He only used to wear zoro avatars to improve the disguise but it was funny cause everyone knew what he was doing so eventually he stopped.
For him to talk about toxicity is very hipocrytical:pepelit:
A lot of bozos here love to say "i Am ZoRo FaN" then proceeds to shit on the character. Luke and countless others users started like that so nothing new
Not really.
Sanji is part of that idiot's crew apparently so he shares his lack of fear by taking on such massive dangers since he joined and is used to. He should have trusted his nakama to get through the umpteenth crazy scenario instead of giving up on his dream that easily.

I swear everyone here mistakes blind faith for loyalty

Yes, the Strawhats at that point DEFINITELY would've been able to take on Big Mom without the help of the Minks, Bege, and all the allies and convenient things they stumbled upon in the arc that could not possibly be accounted for BEFORE they go there while also making an enemy out of ANOTHER Yonko just days before that, totally

If you look at it from Sanji's perspective you'll see why he did it. Don't give me that "it was a weak willed decision" nonsense
Lol Wait people think Sanji only got a durability boost? Lol If Sanji body is harder means his attacks are stronger.
Modified awakening would mean that his physical power, speed, durability, recovery, endurance and other states increase a lot.
So far Idk if the Lunarian dna is linked to the modified power too or not, probably we going to find it out next chapter when he use DJ attacks.
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