Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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Lead them to paradise.
My position is a literal fact, it’s not the extreme lol. The WG not wanting the Yonko system to go away is canon.

I’m not going to re-detail what I’ve detailed extensively in past threads lol. The Marines overwhelmingly crushed Whitebeard the canonical strongest Yonko without the help of Cipher Pol or the Warlords. The idea that the other 3 pathetic jobbers even posed a remote threat to the existence of the World Government is hilarious when Kaido only recently graduated from being Orochi’s bitch.

Kaido wasn’t confident enough to betray Japanese Spandam until he had Big Mom as an ally. Let it sink in just how pathetic these Emperors are lol.
So according to you an admiral low diffs a Yonko 1vs1 right?
This CP0 part is what i was waiting.

Seems like things will go crazy soon, probably the CP0 is with SSG and other WG weapons that we dont know, even with Vegapunk. The japanese fandom talk a lot about some disaster happening the the chapter 1031 because of some wordplay, and of SSG being some sort of special machine that can even fly, and that how they will attack Wano mainland.

Cool that events from the outside are affecting Wano, the story was feeling kind too centered about the Wano citzens that no one care.

Pehaps CP0 vs Drake is comming.
Queen (in his hybrid form) and Sanji keep fighting. Quen attacks Sanji with a new attack called “Brypan” (Coming Wind Fist - 風来拳 (ブライパン)) with which he strikes with his claws and attacks with his sword at the same time. Sanji parries and dodges the attacks the best he can.
Queen gets angry and hits Sanji who crashes into some rocks.
Queen gets tired and shoots his “Black Coffee” attack. Sanji jumps and dodges it,
then attacks Queen with his “Diable Jambe - Bien Cuit: Grill Shot” which burns Queen's stomach and send him flying.
Queen catches Sanji and strangles him with his body like a giant snake.
Queen hits Sanji's neck and part of his face with his sword but the sword breaks into pieces when contacted with Sanji's body.

This choreography sounds good, can't wait for the RAWS. The tone of the fight is not as serious as Jabra(mainly do to Queens nature) but the challenge is definitely greater here than any Sanji fight in the series that's designed for him to win.
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