I will comment on number 2 only:
That’s totally not the case.. this was never Oda’s intention and if you think so.. you’re just caping.
1- Sora mainly objected to the idea that they will be robbed from their emotions… not the powers itself… so her drug may have caused to supress Sanji’s genes, but mainly this was meant to keep his emotions.
2- There is NO POINT whatsoever, for Oda to create such backstory if it was not gonna give Sanji his power up… you are saying Oda wants to show up Sanji is human? No shit sherlock! Sanji was already considered human by us fans before WCI… what changed sir? The flashback was done in order to give Sanji future potential power ups regarding his genes… as simple as that…
Oda wants to show his family are rotten? Easy, he can make his father and brothers are normal bullies without the whole experimentation shit…
the whole experimentation was in the flashback for Sanji to power up… these were all build up for this moment and somehow when it happened.. you say this was not the intention Oda had, and that this is bullshit?
why because it didn’t fit your narrative and didn’t happen the way you want to play out?
People have been theorizing about Sanji’s awakened genese since forever, and you’re telling me that there was no set up for it?