This is what I originally submitted. Everything remain in tact except for the alignment change.
Ruby Toujo, Town
The Witch of Crows"
Town - Eliminate all threats to the Town.
You may use up to two of the following abilities, per cycle (Day or Night):
[Crow Familiars] - You may target a player, and will receive results indicating which players that player targeted, but not which actions they used.
[Seraphic Feather] - You may kill a player, once per Night Phase. Under the effects of a full moon, this kill becomes unstoppable, and resolves first.
[Masochism] - Ruby will survive the first kill attempt made on her, each Night Phase. This ability must be one of the two activated during that Night Phase for this to take effect. Cannot be blocked from activating.
[Chain Magic] - Can change what one of her abilities does, for another adjacent ability. For example, [Crow Familiars] can become a Watcher, and [Seraphic Feather] can become a Poisoner. These are only examples - Crow Familiars can change to any role labelled "Investigative", as long as it doesn't combine multiple investigative roles into one (for example, being able to watch and track the same night, or check alignment and track).
[The Witch's Knoll] - Ruby may target one other player, and invite them into a Mason chat for that cycle. While in this chat, neither her nor the target can be voted or affected by abilities, and are otherwise treated as having commuted from the game. While in the Witch's Knoll, the target must answer one question truthfully when asked. Failure to comply with this by the time the ability expires will result in that player being Poisoned once they've left the Witch's Knoll. Ruby cannot reveal or hint at the knowledge gained through this ability. Using this ability consumes both action slots for that cycle. One-shot.
Passive -
[Lunar Cycle]
Every three cycles, Ruby will be impued with the power of the Full Moon, and her abilities will become "Unstoppable" (cannot be blocked and bypasses defensive passives). Ruby also cannot be lynched. Ruby's vote will also count for 3 over this period. The following cycle, Ruby will be unable to take action.
Passive -
[Yokai's Discrimination]
If Ruby kills an Innocent player, or is targeted by an Innocent player with a negative abiity, she will gain one [Wrath] counter. Once Ruby gains 5 [Wrath] counters, her alignment will become [Serial]. She will then gain two extra shots of Witch's Knoll, and will no longer suffer drawbacks after [Lunar Cycle] occurs.