Spoiler One Piece Chapter 968 Spoilers Discussion

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Oden as Narrator: The man known as "Dark King," the most veteran member of the crew, Rayleigh - upon leaving him with some sort of final words, Roger deboarded the ship.
Oden as Narrator: He took with him a powerful medicine given to him by the ship's doctor, Crocus. Although his illness was already in its final stages.
Oden as Narrator: It was a man's farewell. No one shed a tear. The crew of the Pirate King would never do something like crying.
I wonder since when Kaido is in Wano because the Grandma/Grandpa plot started long before Orochi reached Laugh Tale, and we thought so far that Kaido's aim was to know the secrets of the world to reach there, but if he is somehow involved in that plot, it wouldn't have to do with Laugh Tale, but something else, making you wonder what exactly.

Also if the Orochi infront of Oden right now is really the Grandma, it could explain why we don't see her nowadays. Oden killed her at that point

This was already confirmed here

Tbh i kinda sad that cool design marine gonna get wreck by firetank pirates
I think their is more about the plot of the marines, I don´t think Oda just draw them randolmy their.
After we learn about the new weapons of the Navy who should replace the Shichibukai who lose their rank the last days, it let me believe more that we gonna see and learn more about the new weapon of the Navy. Probably against a strong pirate as Capone to show how big the threat of the new weapon are.
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