sanji is a supernova and the right hand man of luffy 
his dream is to surpass mihawk the strongest cook
to achieve that goal, he needs to surpass shanks, which puts him at yonko level
the 5 supernovas on the roof were said to be the strongest rookies, and sanji showed he was comparable to luffy, law, kid and killer by momentarily tanking a yonko combined attack and cutting kaido aka the world strongest fish that has an almost impenetrable skin
now i really feel like most of you are ignoring all of this? are we reading the same manga? i hate all of you retards.

his dream is to surpass mihawk the strongest cook

to achieve that goal, he needs to surpass shanks, which puts him at yonko level

the 5 supernovas on the roof were said to be the strongest rookies, and sanji showed he was comparable to luffy, law, kid and killer by momentarily tanking a yonko combined attack and cutting kaido aka the world strongest fish that has an almost impenetrable skin

now i really feel like most of you are ignoring all of this? are we reading the same manga? i hate all of you retards.

Made my day