Hmm didn't expected such a long reply

But sure i'd answer
it wouldn't make him stronger than Whitebeard, it would increase his infamy
This was the gist of it. We are talking about strength, not infamy, reputation or whatever. So the key thing to note here is that it wouldn't have made him any stronger than he was.
A level above to me means being able to win without being pushed to your absolute limits, so somewhere like high diff.
I assumed as much.
It could depend on the way Oden vs Kaido fight goes.
Could is the key word here. There are too many assumptions in play, until we see it. Oden might have had help, Kaido might have had help, Kaido wasn't as strong back then as he is now.
And the logic you apply to Zoro can also be applied to Luffy after achieving his goal, which will then go back to square one. Ultimately then it doesn't really contradict the logic of Luffy's dream being superior to Zoro's dream.
That would be very nice. Unfortunately, that's not the case. Rerun Luffy's last major battles, take out the plot armor, PIS and CIS, and he loses still, as he should have in the first instance. DR Mingo vs DR Luffy without outside interference and factors results in Mingo's victory. The difference between pre GK Doffy and post GK Doffy is noticeable.
Post GK Mingo couldn't keep up with Luffy's g2
whilst pre GK Doffy was easily reacting to g2/g3 Luffy.
The difference as I've said is noticeable. Even though Mingo stitched himself up, it affected him, so much that the first thing he does when he is up is reapplying his patch
While Mingo may not be able to best G4 Luffy in CQC he'd be able to dodge more hits, as illustrated above. Plus if Mingo plays it smart he can keep Luffy at bay using his awakening. With awakening pestering Luffy, Mingo can potentially attack Luffy from the sides or back and aim for the head.
Moreover, CIS/PIS/ and plot armor restricted, Doffy takes the W here. Doffy, whilst critically injured (hit with GK, injection shot, and counter shock), survived one round of G4. Luffy could barely keep his eyes opened and was exhausted by that, so much that Gyats had to carry him around.
Good luck trying to constantly run away and hide during the 10 minutes in which he lacks haki, from a guy who can turn the entire surroundings into strings.
Before you try to bring up that SBS, here is the translation. Oda says Luffy would need to tough it out.
Tough it out- to endure what's coming.
Without the plot armor, the ability to use haki, or the energy to constantly keep his eyes open, and without the gladiators stalling Doflamingo, Mingo catches up to Luffy and kills him.
Rerun the Dogtooth fight as well. Even gift Luffy FS, he still loses.
Dogtooth utterly dominated g2/g3 Luffy
If it weren't for the plot armor here, Luffy would have died then and there. Dogtooth should have finished him then.
Dogtooth toyed with Boundman the moment he got his composure back.
No PIS involved so forget about Dogtooth stabbing himself, or suddenly letting go of Mogura.
He won't be doing this. He won't allow Luffy to power up like he did earlier, he won't allow Luffy to just lay down on the floor.
It took Dogtooth a few seconds to get adjusted to snakeman and counter it
Dogtooth then dances around Snakeman attacks, manages to hit Luffy and put him down first
Even with FS, Luffy loses against Dogtooth. Therefore, no, the same logic does not apply to Luffy. The amount of plot armor, PIS and CIS present in Luffy's battles is evident and it will always be there.
This is all true, but you're ommiting a few things i'd like to clarify beforehand.
Sure, let's check them.
Power-level wise it doesn't matter that Roger was weaker when he became Pirate king due to his sickness.
I am sorry, but no. It is very important. As it shows one doesn't necessarily need to stand atop all to be the PK.
We know for a fact that at Roger's peak, he was equal to Whitebeard, so the pirate king power-lvl still stands.
And Luffy was once EB level. The point is in when he becomes PK. When Roger was PK, he ostensibly was weaker than WB, the current Yonko were all youngsters and far from what they are now.
That's why he decided to make Roger the pirate king, but by establishing Whitebeard as the one who helped him in becoming the pirate king(gifting the only crewmate with the ability to read Road Poneglyphs).
Not only WB.
Roger, similarly to Luffy was gifted allies and had luck. It's exactly the same thing Mihawk notes about Luffy. That's what makes him dangerous.
Roger, from what we can infer was the same. His encounter with Ray mirrors the one between Zoro and Luffy, the fact that Roger had the help from fishmen, minks and Kozuki clan, mirrors the help Luffy gets as well. As Mihawk notes, it's not his powers or techniques, it's a virtue he possesses.
In the end, Roger and Whitebeard are the peak of one piece, parallel that Luffy and Blackbeard aim at surpassing, with Roger symbolically gaining the pirate king title that Luffy will eventually take for himself. That's all there is to it
I can agree that WB and Roger were tremendously strong. I am disputing the difference. PK Luffy and Teach won't be, as nothing points to it, capable of low/mid diffing other top tiers. Roger and WB weren't capable of it. By the time Luffy fights Teach, they should acquire that level, the so called PK level, however, after that Luffy needs to take on the WG as well. Barring Imu, since he is a complete unknown, that leaves the Admirals, CP0, and maybe Gorosei to fight from what we know so far. The WG's ultimate military force are the Admirals.
meaning they would be the ones waging battles against the SHC and their allies.
Akainu has apt foreshadowing of being an opponent for EoS Luffy, having killed his brother in front of him, left an aching scar, that throbs whenever Akainu is mentioned and causes anxiety on the behalf of Luffy. Scarring Luffy not only physically but also mentally.
Compare Luffy ignoring the talk about BB, and not giving a damn about it
to him sitting down, paying attention and getting visibly shaken at the mention of Akainu
Therefore, unless Imu is some entity far and above everyone in the verse, PK Luffy would need to battle an Admiral. Where would that place Akainu, and consequently the rest of the Admirals as well? PK level, or more, it seems.
- About Roger's journey to become pirate king, i'd say that what you omit is the fact that this flashback was made from Oden's perspective. What i mean by this is that we didn't see the entirety of Roger's journey but we know for a fact he was considered the strongest pirate at his peak, with only having Whitebeard as his equal.
That's what we have so far. All of the huge threats we know of so far, were either youngsters, friends with Roger, or not interested. The only other rivals, but not rivals for the PK throne, were the marines, specifically Garp, whom I remember you putting below Roger as well. By the time Roger became PK, he either had an equal, or was even slightly weaker than him, hence even agreeing with your assumption that Garp was below Roger, the disease should logically lower Roger, and would make Garp as strong as him as well. So that's at least two equals, with one possibly being even stronger. What stops WB from growing in power? Nothing. So saying that Roger at his peak before getting sick was equal to WB doesn't translate to WB remaining stagnant and not being able to become more powerful.
We know Shiki acknowledged his strength after having history of battles with him, with even Sengoku knowing Roger would beat him in a fight
I am not disputing Roger wasn't strong. I am aware of what Shiki thought. Shiki being unable to win against Roger led him to believe Roger was so strong none could defeat him. It stems from arrogance.
And Shiki was basically an equivalent to what a current yonko is
Doubtful, as the current Yonko are portrayed better and I'll go in detail in the next few rows.
portrayed as a threat great enough both Prime Garp and Prime Sengoku decided to tag-team him, with the battle lasting long enough to destroy half marineford.
Similarly to MF war, the marines were held back by fighting on their own territory without the luxury of letting loose. A more effective way to resolve the situation and lessen the damage was to tag team him. Shiki also possesses a df with the power to destroy things easily. The battle lasted long due to Garp and Sengoku being unable to utilize their high end moves, whilst Shiki possessed a destructive df.
During the yonko presentation bounties however, they were the focus, hence Shiki and the others weren't as highlighted, especially since he disappeared in time due to laying low
He was mentioned before the bounty reveals started. And he was grouped in with the likes of Captain John, who was a zombie in Moriah's crew, Wang Zhi (Ou Choku), who we have only heard that one time.
Sengoku even says they made a name for themselves, but highlights the bigger threats, the current Yonko. Captain John is also more infamous for his treasure collection, rather than anything else.
The yonko were also highlighted by having their silhouettes and them being shown
Moreover, one of the Yonko is hailed as the supposed WSC, now.
and the rest of the Yonko share portrayal with him, Linlin placing him and the rest on the same level
she had a fight with Kaido, that was off panel, but from the looks of it, no one showed any superiority.
Shanks had a scuffle with Kaido
And Shanks' crew, following what was established via a previous encounter Shanks had with a Yonko, didn't interfere.
ut there is no indication the current yonko are any stronger than him.
Check above.
Now you're probably going to tell me that the 20years gap was during the timeskip/talk me about movie Shiki, but movie is non canon

That's insulting.
During Rocks' era, all of them were much younger. Even Whitebeard was referred as young Whitebeard. which his tales in his youth being portrayed similar to current Weevil's
That's what I remarked, and yet they were placed on a higher pedestal compared to Shiki.
So all of them weren't at their peak at that point(38 years ago). It was the point of that remark, but we know for a fact at least that Big Mom was already a yonko at least 20years ago
But has grown in power much since then, as noted in the panel here.
And at Roger's peak, he only had one equal(Whitebeard) against whom he also got multiple fights before
At his peak, but what when becoming the PK, as I've noted above? Moreover, was that WB's peak as well?
And even while old and sick, having territorial clashes with the great Whitebeard(placed on a higher pedestal again) were part of the yonko infamy
We know that the Yonko haven't seen each other in a long time, as noted by Linlin when meeting Kaido, and WB when Shanks appeared. He was asking him about his missing arm, something that took place 12 years ago. So, territorial clashes thus mean their crews involved in skirmishes probably.
Yet the current yonko were still portrayed as silver medalists even comparatively to that Whitebeard
Again I am not arguing that. I am arguing what the difference between them is, and how you don't have to be the strongest, even the PK had equals as illustrated above, to be the PK. How big of a difference is between them, and what makes a PK is what I am talking about. Also, two of the Yonko, WB and Shanks, had no interest in becoming the PK, two seemingly had, thus they balanced each other.
Everyone wanted his seat
> Kaido(known for multiple captures and defeats) was aiming at taking advantage of Whitebeard being busy by MF war to try to kill him
Kaido wasn't aiming at his seat, he was looking for a fight. That's what Kaido does. That's why he went out to get to WB. Kaido challenges them, and relishes an opportunity for battle, seeking a way to die, supposedly.
> Shanks himself acknowledged Whitebeard's seat on top of other top tiers during the discussion on moby dick
BB, as you pointed out, was looking up to WB and would thus want to replace him, and that's exactly what he did. Again, I feel like we are going into circles.
Other people were also thinking the war against multiple top tiers was debatable
Due to WB's power, as in his df power, and hype before the war. That's what's highlighted. The world may end and WB supposedly possesses that power and the ability to do that. However we know what the marines planned.
The plan was for the warlords to fight the WBP. The Warlords were located at the front ready to engage the WBP. They were going to be the force attacking them.
Doflamingo even hyped up the war as such.
Admirals were tasked with protecting the execution platform.
The plan was for the Admirals to guard the platform while the Warlords engage the WBP in battle. Of course that changed since the Warlords were dicking around.
Akainu even comments on it.
The Navy gathered all of them to ensure a clear victory with the fewest possible losses, and the least damage possible. They didn't need all of them, and we even saw that they were restricted due to home turf, and due to the warlords not caring about it. Later factors, such as the Impel Down prisoners joining, influenced it as well. All in all, the preparations from the Navy were excessive, as any organization on its home turf would do, to cut back on the losses and secure a victory.
The Admirals were restricted due to the battle taking place in MF, aka their home turf. Akainu was trying to preserve the island and the town.
He mentions it twice.
This is what happens when unrestricted Admirals can
fight fully.
All the Admirals were fighting WB perfectly fine.
Akainu melted half of his face even though he was attacked from
behind with a surprise attack.
And yet he could still continue, as evident
here and explained
What's also interesting to note is that he first thing Akainu did was build a tunnel underground to avoid unnecessary battles, and went right back to chasing Luffy. Whitebeard was literally not even the second thing on Akainu's mind. He was an annoyance just like everyone else, keeping him from getting to Luffy.
Wb himself and Akainu stated MF is WB's place of death. Akainu didn't have WB on his mind, he was busy trying to exterminate the two future threats, Luffy and Ace.
Akainu's sole focus was on getting rid of the
threats of the future, WB was just an annoyance, like anyone else, in his way to Luffy and Ace.
Aokiji morphed around WB's attack, and was preparing an attack from close distance that had to be
stopped by Jozu.
WB tried to prevent Kizaru from attacking Luffy, with Kizaru not even knowing WB was there, and yet WB did nothing to Kizaru. Kizaru then pinned his bisento down, using one leg, and
shot a hole in WB.
None of them had a problem with WB in duels. The war when started was never debatable. The outcome of the war was never questionable.
I feel like we are talking past each other. I've shown
how Roger became PK and that it had nothing to do with his strength, and thus, no matter how unlikely, the PK does not have to be the strongest. Moreover, the canon PK, as illustrated above, when he became PK, had at least some equals, and was ostensibly weaker than one person. I am talking about the difference between them, and that being the PK does not make you stronger than anyone else, nor does it enable you to neg/low or mid diff other top tiers, nor does it make you untouchable. That's my point.