So, you have been sleeping on Mihawk, eh? No wonder... He is known to hold back, established all the way back in Baratie.
Is Vista known for holding back? No, a fact. WSS is information an info box provided and there is no reason not to believe it since there is no contradiction that would go against it, unlike the state of Noah. Explained several times. Not getting into your head? Will I need to explain it again?
Yeah, Noah is just fine, Luffy never touched 90% of the ship and only partially destroyed a small part of the deck, fact. Shipwrights repairing the deck doesnt disprove my claims which are backed up several times in the manga which you supposedly read. Fact.
Lmao, you want me to show you a cross-section of Pica's body from perfect view from above? Are you mad or what? Not even Paint and yet it represents the neck-torso ratio correctly, far more accurately than your 2 necks in a torso claim, lol.
Pica has proven his regeneration speed, whether you like it or not. You are the one making up headcanon scenarios. The burden of proof is on you if you want to pursue it. You can explain hiding all you want, the fact remains that Pica is better at hiding than Cracker.
Luffy had CoO feats as good as any other regular Observation user not named Fujitora and still attacked golem's head where Pica wasnt present, lmao.
And still, after all this going in a circle, I remain by my claim that Pica would have defeated Luffy in Dressrosa because he is a bad match-up for him making all his power useless, just like senor Cracker did.
Is Vista known for holding back? No, a fact. WSS is information an info box provided and there is no reason not to believe it since there is no contradiction that would go against it, unlike the state of Noah. Explained several times. Not getting into your head? Will I need to explain it again?
Yeah, Noah is just fine, Luffy never touched 90% of the ship and only partially destroyed a small part of the deck, fact. Shipwrights repairing the deck doesnt disprove my claims which are backed up several times in the manga which you supposedly read. Fact.
Lmao, you want me to show you a cross-section of Pica's body from perfect view from above? Are you mad or what? Not even Paint and yet it represents the neck-torso ratio correctly, far more accurately than your 2 necks in a torso claim, lol.
Pica has proven his regeneration speed, whether you like it or not. You are the one making up headcanon scenarios. The burden of proof is on you if you want to pursue it. You can explain hiding all you want, the fact remains that Pica is better at hiding than Cracker.
Luffy had CoO feats as good as any other regular Observation user not named Fujitora and still attacked golem's head where Pica wasnt present, lmao.
And still, after all this going in a circle, I remain by my claim that Pica would have defeated Luffy in Dressrosa because he is a bad match-up for him making all his power useless, just like senor Cracker did.

So it was explained, huh? You know explanations are stated with text.
Trying to sound cool when you can´t even address the point makes you seem like a sore loser, i would advise to stop that in the future.
When they question whether it can ever be fixed to actually fulfill its function, which is sailing... you apparently do not know what fact means.
Side, front, from above, irrelevant. You liked pictures, show me some.
I have a One Piece picture, you have a Paint picture, that´s the difference.
So once again no proof, ok, another concession.
And it´s still wrong, i kind of get why Sentinel calls you flatearther at this point.