There is because there is no statement claiming Mihawk did not try against Vista, and by statement alone he is > Vista. It´s the same.
You claiming it´s wrong without any explanation does not make it wrong though. You do not have to believe it, you not engaging it tells enough though.
As usual the statement.
Dude, stop. The neck is half as wide as the torso. There is literally a line for reference from neck to torso.
Since you value pictures, show me a panel in which the neck fits that many times in his torso, i´ll wait. Also give me reference points to prove that just like i did.
So you do not have a picture of Pica instantly regenerating damage right after it occurred? Concession accepted.
So now i have to explain the definition of hiding?
Definition of hide
(Entry 1 of 5)
transitive verb
: to put out of sight
: secrete hide a key under the doormat
: to conceal for shelter or protection
: shield They
hid him from the police.
And to be completely sure, conceal means either hide out of sight or cover something, in this case Cracker from being attacked.
Cracker´s protection is far superior than Pica´s, both in its hardness (direct comparison of G3) and its creation time.
Pica is somewhere in a rock right in front of you, the problem is attacking the spot right the moment where he is, since he shifts his body in a huge golem almost instantly. And btw, who are these CoO users? And what are their feats exactly regarding CoO?
Pica revealing himself immediately vs Cracker only doing so 11 hours later.
Still wrong.