It literally wasnt proven lol, we never saw them fight, you just saw the aftermath of the 10 day long fight that is used for hype, lol.
Why do you always buy this BS from Oda? Aokiji literally froze the entire bay and all around the island including two freakishly huge tsunamis and the climate didnt change, lmao. There is literally no attempt at downplaying whatsoever, I only attempt to wake you up.
Yes it was. Anyone with a functioning brain can tell the difference between the abilities the Admirals have used on MF vs the aftermath that was caused on PH. Aokiji nor Akainu not changing the climate during MF is prove of this, that they had something up their sleeve they only used on PH.
The reason PH was chosen was because the Admirals didn't want to cause any collateral damage to allied countries, this basically tells us that when going all out it's impossible for them not destroy their surrounding given their AoE.
I'm not buying Oda's crap for ages now. Day long fights are hype tools, Adv CoC was overhyped but you're denying that Admirals have abilities they didn't use at MF.
Based on common sense. It is literally useless, especially considering that characters can fly, have haki barriers and can split mountains effortlessly to make a safe passage for themselves through lava or ice, you choose... Once again, it is useless, everything that isnt directly targetting the enemy's body.
This is complete BS, lmao. We have seen how Doflamingo's and Katakuri's awakening have troubled Luffy multiple times. Doflamingo went from getting ragdolled by Boundman to stalling him for 20 minutes, just because his awakening could prevent Luffy from connecting direct hits. Fortunately for Luffy, neither Kata or Doffy had a lethal element that causes severe damage by contact.
Evading a sea of Lava is not as easy as dodging Mochi.
- Flying won't help you when a blizzard hits you or the toxic smoke of an volcano eruption is covering the sky.
- Mountain busting brings you nowhere when another can be created by the element at any time.
- Haki barriers can't be held up for days.
You should have bought into it and doubled down on whatever I said back on OJ because what Oda has shown in Wano blows out of the water whatever I have said about Zoro, lmao. Yes, yes, YC1s go around stopping island busters from TWO Emperors and slashing WSC's chest open with a permanent reminder... Dont make me laugh.

Admirals are gonna be decent, that's not what I am disputing. What I am saying is that off paneled hype like island climate split between lava and ice is literally useless in combat because: a) they will never be isolated, b)they wont fight 10 days and c) it's useless to begin with.
Dude, I like your posts, they're fun and thought thru but you gotta stop making yourself seem like another Morj, like you are right on every OP related topic at any times. Not even the author has a clue what the fuck he's doing, especially when it's about power levels.
Zoro did all that and yet he is fighting King, a YC1, someone grouped up with Queen. We could now stick to the obvious portrayal of King being Kaido's strongest subordinate or we could be in denial and make King into something he never was to begin with.
It's no shame that Zoro is in that YC1 ballpark, he is still strong and will become much stronger.
Admirals don't need to fight days to use everything they have. Kid and Law use awakening as a last resort because it taxes them too much and because they're inexperienced, Admirals don't have that issue.