Look at this
Celestial Dragon underling Ladmiral lover,

how cute you keep lying about the things.
All of your insults are being stored to expose the biased moderators who threadban people when they do less than what you do (such as when you get Tejas banned for posting One Piece pics)

This shit show is slowly turning into a Lee-gen, which will make intelligent people quit the site soon enough.
You are the one hiding behind your ''daddy'' Translator against me, it's your daddy because when you feel desperate against me you need to hide behind your daddy to say something, but the funny thing is even your ''daddy'' said Pre-Yonko Blackbeard retreated for strategy against Lakainu and larines, not retreated for fear, but you don't listen when your Translator daddy tells you, while I exposed your Translator daddy about wrong mihawk translation in SBS and it's already revealed that swordsman in One Piece = styles and forms, which means I slapped your daddy several times. If you still want to hide behind your daddy, then call him here, stop shittalking by using other people name who are not even here, and be a man.
I don't hide behind translators, I personally exposed how ridiculous you look like every single time you post something;
''L'eeeE: '''WhicH is wHat I've bEen sayIng for 5 fUcking yeaRs nOw UHUHU'' 

Are you doing this on purpose so we can laugh at your Ladmiral fanboy posts?
You are a shameless troll that everyone laughs and I '
'bitchslapped'' you in this ''Lakainu is Yonko level'' thread, I already used you too much as a toy, and I am bored toying with you, but you still want to be bitchslapped by me and still want my attention?
Even after
I bitchslapped you millions of times you can still run your mouth?
Difference between you and me is I ''bitchslap'' you all by myself, I don't hide like a coward behind some translator, that you don't even listen him when it doesn't suit your argument.
Another one I bitchslapped you very hard but since you are a shameless troll, you can't even answer it;

You literally got butthurt again when you see this nightmare thread for you is bumped and then tagged us and insult us here didn't you?
Because the timeline suits, and I know how butthurt and salty you are are.
I am
going to keep bumping this Blackbeard vs. Lakainu + Lizaru thread just to make you cry and hide behind your translator daddy, and see how many times you can insult us while being protected by mods.