Questions & Mysteries For how long have you been following OP?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Like the title says,
Since when did you start OP?
I guess since 2013

Why did you decide to watch/read it?
Because I was stupid and had nothing else to do at that time 😑

Why is it still among your favourite mangas?
it's not

Which faction (Revo/Navy/CP/Supernovas/Yonko/Warlords..) do you think suits you the most if you were in One Piece world ?
revolutionaries I guess
Weird ... in my country it was only dbz that started than
I did watch DB in Germany 1999/2000 or so DB was was way more earlier than OP

Yugioh and OP came out around the same time thought I loved yugioh more than OP

I even did drop OP 2008 ( only for that shit arc) when Moria did run away from Luffy and Luffy again got separated
Since when did you start OP?
I started late, around 2018
Why did you decide to watch/read it?
Because i was planning on watching all the long anime series and One Piece was what's left. I also had a friend who kept hyping it up for me. So i was curious to watch it
Why is it still among your favourite mangas?
I really like the world building, characters and plot. But i wish Oda was better at executing his ideas so that the story is less boring
Which faction (Revo/Navy/CP/Supernovas/Yonko/Warlords..) do you think suits you the most if you were in One Piece world ?
I would be none of them since all of them suck to some extent

Pirates: Most of them are evil scum who terrorize civilians for no reason and i neither want to be given orders by a captain, nor do i want to give orders to anyone. I'm also very introverted and anti-social so i'd not be interested in constantly living with a crew. Same goes for Yonko and Worst Generation

Navy: Sucks even more than being a pirate since you almost have no worth as a soldier, you're like a dog. And i don't want to serve under the WG because i neither like them, nor do i like any dictatorial authority for that matter

Warlords: Worst of both worlds when it comes to being a Pirate and a Navy, definitely a no-no for me

Revolutionaries: They're kind boring to me tbh. They seem to not do anything interesting or noteworthy. I also wouldn't really care much about "freeing" the people and fighting the WG as long as it doesn't affect me directly. If the people don't fight for their own freedom, then they don't deserve it anyway

Cipher Pol: You might as well give up your humanity and live as a psychopathic dog for the sake of the worst class of people to have ever existed in history

I would mostly be a free man who sails the sea under no obligations or authority. Would just have my own adventures and fun and choose what's right or wrong to do for me. I would also be really interested in discovering the true history. So i might get close or form some sort of alliance with the Strawhats to let me go with them to Raftel and watch the true history unfold


Zoro Worshipper
I was introduced to it as a kid by my cousin.

It has been 20 years but still I'm not an ardent reader compared to many users out here.
1. Since 2003/04
2.I loved Animes and watched it on TV. I don't remember the specific reason
3. 6-7 years ago OP was my undisputed number 1 but now it’s just one of my favourites. It’s in my top 10. Nostalgia plays also a role. OP went downhill for me but I have still hope for the future arcs.
4. Revolutionary Army or the Marines.
One Piece has been an almost entire life journey for many of us it seems.
Since when did you start OP?
I think about 2014 if I recall correctly.
Why did you decide to watch/read it?
I saw a YouTube clip titled along the lines of "Top 10 badass old men in anime", saw Whitebeard, looked up clips of Whitebeard and then got into One Piece.

Funnily enough, it wasn't actually the first time I saw One Piece though I didn't realise it till years later. First time I saw it was at a friend's house years before seeing that YouTube clip. Unfortunately, he was on a filler arc with some bounty hunter family on an ice sheet with penguins and kid me was not impressed. :yearight:
Why is it still among your favourite mangas?
Nah, I have stopped reading for now. I might pick it up later again if something piques my interest.
Which faction (Revo/Navy/CP/Supernovas/Yonko/Warlords..) do you think suits you the most if you were in One Piece world ?
Civilian. My arse is staying far away from all that fighting nonsense. :jay-he:
As for myself
I started watching it back in 2010 back when I was already a fan of Bleach and Naruto , and other mangas/animes

Someone recommended it to us to watch ,and I tried it and loved Luffy's goofiness
Started reading in 2010 or 2011.

It's still of my favourites coz of nostalgia, wolrd building and creativity

I would probably be a revolutionary member