What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Zoro Worshipper
Two time>>?
Did I see again King downplay?

Mihawk is arguably still consistently more potent than Zoro since he is likely 3 extremely powerful opponents away from him, on the other hand I can see the gap between Zoro and King as superior because he will likely stay in control of the match and possibly supersede King even without relying on the game changer Asura.

I would say Zoro is probably pushing Mihawk to mid or high difficulty depending on how Oda wishes to establish the hierarchical scale. For instance Current Zoro should already manage to give Kaido an extremely tough fight.
I don't know who memed you into skipping WCI but you should check it out, Sanji has siblings and it was a fun arc.
Tf you even talking about? this was not eve all about PU but achivements, zoro achievemnts was leftovers, like the one Scarring Kaido, its already done first by oden, then now turning his blade black, sanj i have those similarities from others too, but atleast his character is not all centered in fighting. lol yall people worship zoro like what he done was unparalled, when all of his feats was made first from the others.
I just reread it and now it even makes more sense. post-Shiryu fight Zoro pulverizes the shit out of BM.

Big Meme fans shouldn't be ashamed of her losing to someone that's basically a more broken version of Rayleigh.
Big meme almost died to yonko commander like king and queen.
‘’king did this act, big mom drove to death.
Queen crack her skull and capture her as princess peach plot style. Queen can starve her to death pretty much.
‘Zoro, Law, Kidd say to Big meme, get out and almost drop her to ocean.
‘Big meme died like 3 time if not plot save her.
‘’Funny noodle guy never sat]y about this that big meme can died from these act.
Mihawk is arguably still consistently more potent than Zoro since he is likely 3 extremely powerful opponents away from him, on the other hand I can see the gap between Zoro and King as superior because he will likely stay in control of the match and possibly supersede King even without relying on the game changer Asura.
Mihawk is endgame material for Zoro and if he is really high top tier as I thought, he should be >>Zoro since Zoro is around high high/inbetweener riight now, same for King.

Im pretty sure King will get a insane hype soon,
I expect Zoro to get a powerup, similar like Luffy get against Kaido.
If the leaks with the dude are true, chapter 1033 is about Zoro losing and beat down, sword getting broken.
Let this Alsama check me, let everyone know that they're getting mogged by a newbie:milaugh:
don't lie we all know most of yall zoro wankers have multiple alts. you guys spends your whole day worshipping a knock off un original character you guys dont work get a job.
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For now. Mihawk >> King >> Zoro in my opinion.
mihawk was warlord level change my mind
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