true but why are in the next page also all the folder around this 2 falling down. It isnt due to Yamato so there was a shock wave that push the folder down. And they felt to the same direction drake went down. So I think it is Yamato + Wave that was created by the Number when they destroyed the wall.
the likes of him seriously still think that Enies Lobby asura is equal to Rooftop asura, thats why he doesnt have a clue to answer about Kaku's matter and choose to shut down because if he answer it, it would contradict his statement.
Luffy took out Ulti???? Lmaoo
Oda bum ass shat on Luffys existence with that Ulti fight
Luffy got punked below the floor
Tell me again what luffys done to meme?
The socioeconomic environment where these young ladies live, forces them to sell their bodies if they want to advance in the Flower Capital society and give food to their families, they have no other choice because Orochi has stripped them of any real choice. Very tragic..
Oda is straight mocking it ngl. Luffy had to fight for his life against Mochi boy but his right and left hands are gna defeat stronger combatants in 15 mins
Oda is straight mocking it ngl. Luffy had to fight for his life against Mochi boy but his right and left hands are gna defeat stronger combatants in 15 mins
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