Spoiler One Piece Chapter 969 Spoilers Discussion

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And Oda made it. People complain. About the the story.
But the fact is that he probably planned from like 2 years ago that Oden would fall like that.
And the fact is that Oda now who is stronger than who but seriously now he don't care.

When the story will end he will maybe even tell us : All this years : A>B and Young B>A.

But until that the story end, putting thing for real is dangerous. While things are not confirmed and all is HEAD-cannon, Oda still can do whatever he wants.

And what Oda wants ? Clearly established hierarchy or a cool story ? Oda cares about the plot. He cares about the tragedy of Oden and how Orochi will annoy him until his death.

He prefers Oden to be a seriously flawed guy than a coherent Over Powered Hero.

I really want Orochi to add Toki to his harem during these 5 years:steef:
Haha, Orochi is making big gains in this flashback. Showing how he rose in power is absolutely great.

I wonder though, was Hyogoro the ONLY resistance force during the absence of Oden?

Cause apparantly Hyo had all of his family slaughtered, so he must have been the major headache for Kaido and Orochi to drive them into slaughtering his wife and his 16 children.

It's very possible that during the period Hyogoro of the flower was resisting them, that it's the same period that Queen was talking about that he caught the attention of Kaido and he impressed him with his level of strength.

My man Hyo was bigger of a trouble than the useless retainers all combined LOL

That's why Hyo is not only respected by ALL RETAINERS, but even Oden himself admired Hyo.

Luffy got a real G to be his trainer honestly. So freaking lucky. First, he had Garp roughing him up, then Rayleigh, and now Hyo. All are real G


Haha, Orochi is making big gains in this flashback. Showing how he rose in power is absolutely great.

I wonder though, was Hyogoro the ONLY resistance force during the absence of Oden?

Cause apparantly Hyo had all of his family slaughtered, so he must have been the major headache for Kaido and Orochi to drive them into slaughtering his wife and his 16 children.

It's very possible that during the period Hyogoro of the flower was resisting them, that it's the same period that Queen was talking about that he caught the attention of Kaido and he impressed him with his level of strength.

My man Hyo was bigger of a trouble than the useless retainers all combined LOL

That's why Hyo is not only respected by ALL RETAINERS, but even Oden himself admired Hyo.

Luffy got a real G to be his trainer honestly. So freaking lucky. First, he had Garp roughing him up, then Rayleigh, and now Hyo. All are real G
I hope all one piece are like you. All day i have to read oden bashing even though we have not read the chapter. I mean this had to happen.

How will wano people learn to hate kozuki clan ?

Also i think orochi set brilliant trap he knew oden would come over to kill him if they hurt his closed one.

Judging by relationship oden was close to hyo in past.
birdcage could push barto yeah?
Birdcage is unbreakable, but it can be pushed back. Yes

That's why Pica's large first was a threat to Barto's ability.
Same can be said to Fuji and his (meteors, horizontal gravity, large city of rubbles)

Oden fighting style, even though he could fight and match the likes of Mingo and even Fuji...etc. His fighting style is not suited to push back things, it's used to destroy, or break, or slice. Which basically what wouldn't work against barrier ability.

I can see Oda presenting advanced haki (from inside to outside) as a solution for it. But as of now, it's not confirmed that it can work as well. The only thing confirmed to work is something SO LARGE to push it back.

Cause we gotta remember that "King Punch" which also was thrown from VERY FAR AWAY, was able to destroy all of Pica's rubbles. The same punch said to affect a YONKO. YEEEET, that same punch from point-blank, wasn't able to push Bartolomeo's ability.

What I'm trying to say is, Oda is known for doing some plot armors and one time, an ability works, the other time, suddenly, it doesn't work cause power scaling in One piece HONESTLY, is not consitent with all respect.
I hope all one piece are like you. All day i have to read oden bashing even though we have not read the chapter. I mean this had to happen.

How will wano people learn to hate kozuki clan ?

Also i think orochi set brilliant trap he knew oden would come over to kill him if they hurt his closed one.

Judging by relationship oden was close to hyo in past.
I honestly think Oda did a mistake of NOT SHOWING Hyo's wife in previous chapters and her interaction with Oden. If he at least gave us something as small as one-two pages of Hyo and his wife giving advice to Oden after being kicked out of flower capital from his father, Sukiyaki, the same way Oden interacted with Yasui. I honestly think this slaughter of Hyo's wife and children would have hit us 100 times harder.

But I fear nothing. I honestly am a believer that in this upcoming war, Grandpa Hyo will be killed by Kaido. Which honestly I think will be the main death that makes Luffy goes berserker on Kaido's ass. Luffy in this arc, got attached mainly to Otama and Hyo. If anything happens to those two, Luffy will snap.

So, with Hyo as an old grandpa, he's more likely to be the one getting killed in this arc than anyone else I feel. And it will hit us 100 times more than Yasui. It's honestly a SENSEI of Luffy dying.


I honestly think Oda did a mistake of NOT SHOWING Hyo's wife in previous chapters and her interaction with Oden. If he at least gave us something as small as one-two pages of Hyo and his wife giving advice to Oden after being kicked out of flower capital from his father, Sukiyaki, the same way Oden interacted with Yasui. I honestly think this slaughter of Hyo's wife and children would have hit us 100 times harder.

But I fear nothing. I honestly am a believer that in this upcoming war, Grandpa Hyo will be killed by Kaido. Which honestly I think will be the main death that makes Luffy goes berserker on Kaido's ass. Luffy in this arc, got attached mainly to Otama and Hyo. If anything happens to those two, Luffy will snap.

So, with Hyo as an old grandpa, he's more likely to be the one getting killed in this arc than anyone else I feel. And it will hit us 100 times more than Yasui. It's honestly a SENSEI of Luffy dying.
Seems like flashback has kinda rushed up.

Yet to show about toki why she wanted to be in wano ? Why she wanted oden to pursue the one piece journey?


Kitetsu Wanker
Are you saying that an admiral level character is completely unable to defeat someone who has this barrier power? Like not even advanced armament can affect someone just coz of this barrier shit? Not CoC? Not environmental impact can affect them? So Fujitora literally couldn't take out bartolommeo in dressrosa if they actually fought one v one? Is this what you mean by "of course no one could do anything"?

Bullshit. Oden just isn't admiral level. CONFIRMED
What I am saying is, nobody would have been able to do better than Oden is the same situation, not even an Admiral can affect a barrier nor can they beat plot elements.

I am sure nothing can scratch the barrier itself but as I said before, the user can be beaten. I dont remember if King's punch moved the barrier at all but if that didnt move it I doubt anything else will either.

Bartolomeo said he was in trouble against Pica but is probably because he was mid air without foothold. Even if you make him drop from lethal height theoretically he can shape the barrier into a slide and save himself lol.

If barrier user stays inside a bubble shaped barrier I doubt they can be defeated but in that case they cant beat anyone either.
Seems like flashback has kinda rushed up.

Yet to show about toki why she wanted to be in wano ? Why she wanted oden to pursue the one piece journey?
Yeah. I honestly am one of those who is not satisfied with the flashback.
I think that Oda showed some unnecessary parts, and he also skipped some necessary parts.

As an example, the big pig incident is TOTALLY unnecessary. Like who fucking cares hahaha.

Some parts in the journey with WB or Roger were also unnecessary and could have been skipped, while other parts should have been highlighted more imo. I blame the editors as well not just Oda.


Yeah. I honestly am one of those who is not satisfied with the flashback.
I think that Oda showed some unnecessary parts, and he also skipped some necessary parts.

As an example, the big pig incident is TOTALLY unnecessary. Like who fucking cares hahaha.

Some parts in the journey with WB or Roger were also unnecessary and could have been skipped, while other parts should have been highlighted more imo. I blame the editors as well not just Oda.
I would decide after flashback finishes overall i think it was balancing.

We dont really need to know hyos clan. Ya i blame author for not making bond between hyo and oden.

Overall the necessary stuff was not purposely shown ti avoid the hype. I do believe tokis past , laughtale, kaido and orochi relationship maybe the flashback will split and oda wants to fastforward things .

Maybe we will see from kaido , orochis point of view when their storyline begin.
I'm sry, but only because Oden didn't manage to break through the barrier means that you can't destroy it at all?
That's bias to me, tbh.

Nobody of you would've said that before this chapter. If Oden couldn't break through the barrier, then guess what, he just can't, and that's about it.

Ponegyphs are indestructible. Diamond, Barto's barrier, and probably even Sea stone are not( Law cut through it if i remember correctly).
Shit just got sad for Oden, imagine dancing or being imprisoned for 5 years just to hear shit is just going worse and worse for your family and friends, the panel that Oden hears that Hyo's wife and children were murdered must be really sad...
Something more definitely happened, we know Oden and he wouldn't give up so easily, something is going on.
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