Spoiler One Piece Chapter 969 Spoilers Discussion

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No one can tell me that these Navy soldiers are just fodders, they come out nowhere and easily defeat someone as Gotti who isn´t weak, he get negged. I call it here, these guys are new cyborgs and the new weapon of the Navy who replace the Shichibukai, don´t be surprise if even Capone having very hard time against these guys.
I'm starting to hop in theory as well, they seem special. I think Capone is going to defeat them, but they will give him a hard time!
They fail at the Fire Festival anyway.
That will be very sad, all the hope and build up only to get crushed again in Fire Festival. Without any help I can´t see how the Alliance gonna take both Kaido and Big moms crew+Orochi troup. That is too large and even the Navy fear the alliance, no way that Luffy and co having even the chance to take on Kaido and Big mom.

It will be brutal to see how the alliance fail. Just don´t forget, Capone+Luffy+Judge alliance get stomped easily alone against nerfed Big mom crew, now we have both crews...
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