You know the same guy is the one who posts the full summaries right?
He never said anything about not releasing spoilers.
But in any case if he stops providing then someone else will rise up. This does not mean that I am not grateful for what he has done. But I won't treat him like a god too.
And kinyagi didn't say that he wanted lance to be dead, which would have been the absolute wrong and non defendable mistake, so I don't understand what's all the fus is about.


Bald Spoiler Provider
So I Just read some of this Lance shit goin on and honestly...........FUCK HIM he don't stan Apoo and carrot anyway like bruh your hints trash you just want fucking attention to feel important but In reality your not, Your summary be half-assed overhyped and even the people defending you don't give a fuck you about you outside of spoilers :lusalty:
this guy trolled me, you know what fuck everyone im out" is a bitch ass move
Yep, trolling someone is a kingly move.

he probably likes the attention
And many are egocentric who can't admit that they go overboard in trolling. You do know that there are n number of trolls on Lance and yet only for one post he responded.