Oda is following quite a similar way on Zoro and Sanji's fights
Both King and Queen have some weird move about their dinosaur Devil Fruits to show
Both Zoro and Sanji are somehow nerfed
Sanji was complaining about his body feeling weird and dragging him down since 1023, now apparently Enma is somehow drawing more Haki from Zoro.
Since Sanji's fight started first (and will probably end up first, or at the same time), he consequently reached the turning point first, it means he started being effective against Queen after his first power up, so Queen will need to take him more seriously now.
Zoro didn't reached that turning point yet, he is on that same spot Sanji was a few chapters ago, where he can't do shit, starts bringing questions about how will he beat his opponent, and obviously he struggles and gets beaten in the process.
I wonder what Zoro's turning point will be