Who should Dragoban ban next?

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The Rogue Prince
I am not impressed with either attacks. Zangiri Mochi is at best a snakeman level move and might cause some minor blunt trauma. Mogura isn't stronger than mid to high techniques from current Zoro.
Fair. Kuri needs to catch King offguard when he isnt blocking to try doing anything of note. Mogura also has a long windup time for the coiling and recoiling and prolly wont even tag King if he dodges. Kata will easily run out of his FS by the time he even dents King.
U weirdos disregarding Evidence isn’t the same as people not bring it Dude...

I’m not a Ztard remember?? King doesn’t have any feats or anything implying he can’t hurt a Yonko. The burden of proof is on you to provide that dumbass. Kiku an confirmed AcoA user, Kings not.... instead of cherry picking off others. Prove King can actually hurt a top before making shut ass comments suggesting he can pull of Law or Kids feats clown

How that exactly?? Kings wings are better then Kaido scales. How does that scale to king overall durability >Meme?? God ur stupid, even if we used ur reaching meme CoA defense would still shit on king anything lol.
Marco knee can hurt Marco lol... Any of Meme CoA/ACoC attacks break King, that’s without mentioning multiple mass elemental Aoe attacks.
King not stronger then shit, he’s a lowly YC just like Marco/Kata. Neither can do shit of significance to a top tier. Burden of proof is on you to prove kings different. An Ur not blind, u can clearly see the difference in AP/portrayal between the 2 situations.

So now meme off guard lol. See this is why I can’t take u seriously. Ur too damn bias. When Zoro hits apoo mid battle with drake. It legit because apoo knows he fighting 2-1. Now u idiots completely flip flop like always an now it’s sneak attacks. Not that it helps u any, Marco with an Amy of commander couldn’t do shit against akainu. Law/Kid portrayal significantly above king counterpart Marco.

u sound stupid, the manga itself implies hurting meme. one of the most impressive feats against a top tier to date. Ur take on the situation irrelevant, to date no Y1C shown any ability to do similar damage. So stop pretending like they can

So her durability only good if it meets ur cult qualifications? I’ll take Oda word...

says the guy that thinks King the lowly YC comparable to top tiers lol. Almost like his fellow Y1C haven’t clearly been established unable to do shit.
Mimimimi mimimimi
Law can't even win against Mr. 3 without Luffy's help. He is lucky he doesn't fight Mr. 1 and only ends up fighting against his hypetool.


The Rogue Prince

Your dumbass does know that a brachiosaurus is a dino

Lmao, queen has an even better durability than king himself, given how he's enhanced with cybernetics

Queen has better durability than king. Given how he left a fight with big mom without a scratch

King said hes special and he has better durability than everyone lol. He didn't say everyone except Queen lmfao.

Tanking attacks that injure Kaido > taking punches from hakiless DF less Big Mom.
King's Wing gauntlet

- King covers himself with his wings just like he does in this chapter.
- Heal after every round.

Round 1: Oden's Togen Totsuka
Round 2: Dressrosa KKG
Round 3: Dressrosa ISDS
Round 4: King Punch
Round 5: Kaido's Thunder Bagua
Round 6: Whitebeard's Quake Punch
Round 7: Hakai

Breakfast Rounds
Round 0: Gamma Knife
Round 0.5: Kidd's awakening

Can he clear?
@Echizen_Jo_Ndule @TheAncientCenturion @Zowo @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @ShishioIsBack @HA001 @Patryipe
Not sure if you still get the tag because I edited the post.

So what do you think? @TheAncientCenturion
Can King clear?
Zoro proved he was faster than G2 Luffy during FMI.

Here is Luffy using G2 against Hyouzou.

He reacted and blocked Luffy's attack and Luffy calls him strong.

This is Zoro blitzing Hyouzou.

This is Zoro blitzing and oneshot Hody underwater.

King is faster than Katakuri and WCI Luffy.

King us faster than Katakuri and WCI sankeman Luffy. Katakuri it's not as fast as people think he is. FS doesn't increase his speed and gives the impression he is incredibly fast.

Here is Katakuri being hit by base Luffy who sis veteran level.

King is much faster and has faster attacks.

Look at the distance and speed of this attack alone.

Zoro reacted better to hakai where he moved faster than rooftop Luffy and Law teleportation powers.
Lmao comparing Luffy’s most basic punch(hit three opponents simultaneously) to zolo’s three sword style:gokulaugh:

zolo’s speed is not the benchmark of the verse because there’s really nothing special about it
Because of the tards we have to discuss King without his wings and other body parts :kobeha:

This is literally the dumbest fanbase i have ever seen, it's the swords, it's whoever zoro fights but never the bums being carried by magic fruits, it's always Zoro that has them behaving like Talibans :kobeha:

King said hes special and he has better durability than everyone lol. He didn't say everyone except Queen lmfao.

Tanking attacks that injure Kaido > taking punches from hakiless DF less Big Mom.
Let's wait for the official translation

Here he said he was more than just an ancient zoan

Which is something queen also said, he's a cyborg

Queen also mentioned that his cybernetics are so advanced that vegapunk himself can't match them, keep in mind that vegapunk's inventions are so powerful that the wg decided to replace fricking mihawk by them

If queen is more advanced than vegapunk in terms of robotics

Then we can't really deny he is more durable than king


The Rogue Prince
Let's wait for the official translation

Here he said he was more than just an ancient zoan

Which is something queen also said, he's a cyborg

Queen also mentioned that his cybernetics are so advanced that vegapunk himself can't match them, keep in mind that vegapunk's inventions are so powerful that the wg decided to replace fricking mihawk by them

If queen is more advanced than vegapunk in terms of robotics

Then we can't really deny he is more durable than king
Robotics =/= durability.
King literally said he's better than Kaido even and tanked an attack that Kaido bled to.

Stop the cope. It's there crystal clear in the manga.
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