Who should Dragoban ban next?

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"I might just be a bit more special" - What does that mean?
He also ate an attack which cut Kaido.

Is Queen more durable than Kaido now?
... it means hes more special than your average due to his ability outside of just being a dino that stack to his already good durability
He also started bleeding from Marco's attacks

Queens tougher than your average due to his cybernetics but hes not neither is


The Rogue Prince
Technically king wings aren’t his whole body. Kaido still more durable overall. King needs actually block with a specific body part. The wings themselves tho, seem more durable currently
I don't disagree one bit.

King uses an ability or a technique which makes him that durable. Kaido just straight up eats that attack.

King needs to block while Kaido doesn't.
After reading the dialog
This is exactly why I say Zoro’s fights are simply bullshit

We have Zoro confirming that if King keeps up that fighting style in air, Zoro will lose his stamina and lose… Did a dragon twister trying to bring him down, and failed!

then We have King being so merciful and nerf himself for Zoro saying “I’ll be a good sport and challenge you in sword fight” and came down from air!

this is just pure stupidity, and 3 chapters ago the same King who was revealed to fight WITHOUT any style, and attacks in anyway that allows him to win, turned into a guy who completely nerfed himself to fight in a style that suits Zoro the best!

This is why Oda should have made Zoro able to fly
Cause that is so stupid how his enemies keep on nerfing themselves to allow Zoro to win


The Rogue Prince
... it means hes more special than your average due to his ability outside of just being a dino that stack to his already good durability
He also started bleeding from Marco's attacks

Queens tougher than your average due to his cybernetics but hes not neither is
He bled from Marco's attacks for the single reason that he didn't block them like he blocked Tatsumaki. He didn't block Onigiri and was bleeding like a fountain you know?

Queen can be tougher than your average Ancient Zoan. Let him display feats which make him tougher than Kaido.
Without Zoro, they are all dead
morale of the story without Zoro everyone gets oblitared Law included, clap clap candyboy
When was Law ever shown worried about that attack?? Zoro/luffy/Killer shat themselves.

Law only ever shown once it’s time to “actually save everybody”. Zoro nothing more then support. Law the reason everybody actually alive, in fighting condition.

Stop tryna link those mobility impaired fighters to Law. It’s a reason all of them go to him for quick travel.



When he stretches his head we clearly see that he doesn't have any bones and that it's entirely metal
He has some parts with it. Doesn't mean he whole body is like that. Eitheir way that shit makes no fucking sense. He is the Zoan User his mechanical parts shouldn't transform with him.
How about from once you start supporting your claim with facts. When I say facts I mean scenes that back up or support you're claim. All you have done over the past few weeks is post BS after BS. You don't support anything with facts.

You have been claiming King can't hurt a Yonko so back it up with facts. Show me how he can't with scenes supporting your claim. I already know you're not going to provide any facts because you're wrong. Kiku who is veteran level can hurt Kaido. But King, one of the strongest YC1, who can use powerful blackened CoA haki and much greater physical strength can't.

What's really funny is last week you claimed Big Mom has greater durability and defence than King. This week's chapter just proved you wrong.

King use his wings (body) to block the same attack that cut through Kaido's scales.

In reality, Big Mom would have a harder time hurting King that he would have hurting her.

King is stronger than Marco and Katakuri. There's nothing to support any of them can't hurt an admiral. No, Marineford doesn't prove they can't hurt an animal because nobody got into a lengthy 1v1 battle. Besides, Jozu (YC2) hurt an admiral.

What makes Kid and Law superior to King?


You think them working together to fight Big Mom and attacking her while she's distracted makes them both individually superior to King? That's one of the dumbest things I have read on this thread and there have been a lot. That's like sucker punching a UFC champion outside the ring while they are distracted and thinking that makes you one of the strongest fighters in the world.

Law and Kid are weaker than King, Marco and Katakuri.

I give them props where props due but you need to stop acting like injuring Big Mom is the most impressive feat in the world. It isn't. Yes, I know Big Mom stayed she hasn't been injured like for centuries but that is an empty statement since we don't know what she's been doing over the past centuries. Yonko don't go around fighting and challenging each other. It's like Katakuri statement about being unbeatable. It's meant to be looked at as an impressive feat but you can't go around claiming that makes him the strongest YC1. Since there's no facts he ever fought another Yoko Commander or stronger opponent.

Big Mom's statement would hold much more weight if she took take attacks from rooftop Luffy, Zoro or even the Scabbards. It's really convenient for her that never happened. Even when she fought Marco it was a short clash, she ran away and acknowledged she did not have enough power to waste.

But keep reading your two piece if it makes you happy.
Oda foreshadowing trio supernova sabaody for this arc bruh..
whatever you say these 3 supernova will shine..
Technically king wings aren’t his whole body. Kaido still more durable overall. King needs actually block with a specific body part. The wings themselves tho, seem more durable currently
Just like Kaido's scales aren't his whole body , the toughest part of Kaido's body are the scales that got cut by Tatsumaki just like King toughest body part seems to be the Wings wich didn't get cut by Tatsumaki , IT SEEMS that King is MORE durable then Kaido BUT i think there is a special gimmick in play here, i will post my theory about it TOMORROW
Dinosaurs on Onigashima. Zoro talks about "you dinosaurs".

And King just showed a better durability feat than Kaido? What does Queen have which stands to that?
Tanking attacks from Marco no problem

And the unofficial translation have zoro say "is this is the legendary durability of dinosaurs and dragons?"

No where is onigashima or the beast pirate as a whole mentioned
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