Yamato story centric arc ever since act 3
Has more much sadder past worth talking about
The character has actively been involved in this war and various panels rather than being absent
She has had five minute conversation with Luffy with her own personal goals and desires
Luffy and other strawhats are dealing with enemies that personal that effect her life style
Her zone transformation 24/7 suslong already
The marketing is already behind her in the official one piece youtube channel. We have seen her alongside with monster trio volume 100. Even the one piece wano cover for the anime as well.
Yamato has also talk about the dawn pedro mention
If anything carrot is just drifting away being left behind while the other strawhats getting stronger.
"has much more sadder past" this is nonsence. Yamato lost noone.
Exactly, 5 minute of conversation with Luffy ended by Luffy being fustrated and calling her Yamao.
The marketing is logical, it happened the same way with Oden. It doesn't mean anything, in fact it means that you should be careful and not trust what is being filled down your throat.
- Lookout is a position that can be filled by anyone, and in fact has been performed by half of the current SHP with no problem throughout the entire series (and the role argument is bullshit on a fundamental level)
- No interactions with the Dressrosa SHP, and calling her standing around the protagonists without really speaking to them or doing anything of note an “interaction” is complete nonsense
- Tearing a wheel off a ship in WCI =\= holding Kaido off long enough for Luffy to come back, and if I have to explain THAT to you, holy shit
- Moral pillar?? And that makes Yamato immoral?? You have zero evidence for either one, this is straight conjecture and totally illegitimate
Anything else?? We can do this all day, we’ve already done it most days for the last year and a half while Yamato gets more and more attention and the rabbit recedes entirely into the scenery.
- Like most of the job on the Sunny so the argument doesn't stand. And Wrong the role argument is important on a fundamental level
- Wrong. Carrot talked with Robin
- Meaningless this is not a race to who is doing a better job
- You do not understand what a moral pillar is.
- Yamato still has no post nor capacities for a post
Oda said all the SHs perform the lookout position in shifts actually. For Carrot to be the sole lookout, it means she can never sleep and would become even more redundant if she still swaps with the others. Even on the way to Onigashima, Usopp was the lookout even though Carrot was right there.
You should know that a rabbit never sleep totally, they have always their instinct ready for predator, so this is no a problem for Carrot. Plus her position has kingbirds shows that she doesn't have sleeping problem.
This is the most damning part. Imo it completely destroys Carrot's case. If she's going to be the lookout then why is Ussop doing her job while she's just standing around on the ship?
Because she is not a strawhat yet.
@Jew D. Boy @Sigran101 @Go D. Trussop found it. SBS Volume 74.
D: I would like to know the Straw Hats' bed times and wake up times! Penname fujiyama
O: I see. A very interesting question indeed. These people don't really follow much of a schedule but. In general.
Sleep: When sleepy
Wake up: When he wakes up
(Sleeps for around 5 hours)
Sleep: 4:00 am
Wake up: 7:00 am
Sleep: 11:00 pm
Wake up: 7:00 am
Sleep: 1:00 am
Wake up: 8:00 am
Sleep: 12:00 am
Wake up: 5:00 am
Sleep: 9:00 pm
Wake up: 7:00 am
Sleep: 11:00 pm
Wake up: 6:00 am
Sleep: 1:00 am
Wake up: 9:00 am
Sleep: 12:00 am
Wake up: 5:00 am
And thus, even during instances where they have to navigate through the seas during nighttime, there will always need to be at least two people awake at all times in order to keep an eye out in both the front and back directions of the ship, hence every member alternates every 2 hours to stay on the lookout. It isn't too uncommon that these people don't get sufficient sleep.
So even with 9 people rotating, it's still difficult to get sleep AND you need 2 people at a time. But Carrot is supposed to do it all by herself?
Exactly, because she has experience on it and no sleeping problems.
Nah, only advantages. Do the math.
It’s only a disadvantage if Carrot is the only lookout.
She would actually be helpful if she were a part-time lookout like the rest of the SHs. There would be more people to take on look-out time so they can all collectively get more time to sleep.
But then what is Carrot actual role supposed to be on the crew? Litarally anybody can do what she’s doing. Lol
Like mostly all the job on the Sunny, they can be delt with by another strawhat.
Other than doing something literally everyone can do better, there's nothing else she can contribute... She's still a disadvantage overall...
If we're to get a lookout then it should've been Viola...
no one can be a better sentry than Carrot. It's in her bones.
With Moral Pillar I think its the mentor.
Yeah Carrot has a strong mentor one panel/page of Pedro before he died the same chapter we learned this such and important pillar Oda hasn't expanded upon at all
@Garp the Fist @Van
Like it doesn't make sense, the poster talks about who they actually read and understand One Piece yet shits that shitty post out, Yamato mentor is Oden I know alot are not religious (i'm not either) but when someone uses my bible to refer to Odens words and life its pretty self-expalintory.
@CarrotForNakama math homework by the way 2+2 = Lettuce
There is no connection between Oden and Yamato other than Yamato being a fan. Oden didn't know Yamato