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Talent is something you make bloom.
Its really weird that Raizo vs Fukurokuju is STILL going but I think Fukurokuju has been resurrecting Orochi and Orochi who is now away from Fuku who is busy with Raizo too, will be vulnerable to being killed by Hiyori and possibly Denjiro to go full circle from early Wano.

Brook does have the Resurrection DF but it can't resurrect others, not yet at least anyway, maybe with awakening? Moria's DF is the closest we've seen so far, Big Mom's might have the potential BUT What The Fuku-rokuju is based on the Buddhist god of resurrection or so, so that has to be important. Fuku with the Edo Tensei No Jutsu?!


I want Orochi's DF to be the reason he's still alive though, such an extremely important, unique /rare and powerful DF that is infamous in Japanese mythology and it's being fucking wasted like this, sigh....


But yeah, we are due a break after next week/chapter 1034, although Oda might pull out all the breaks (I meant brakes but holy fuck that pun lmao) and give us more chapters in a row again? We have the WSJ Xmas break coming up end of December too, which is a month away as well.

To think of it, it means we won't get a chapter on Friday the 10th of December as it should be an Oda break, which leaves the 17th and at least 1 more chapter for the 24th or around that timeframe? I always forget how it works despite reading this series for well over a decade LMAO!

Maybe we'll get chapters on the 17th and 24th but leaves 1 more until an Oda break and the next chapter would be on 31st December? There should be the WSJ break around this time too...At least with a WSJ break we should get much earlier spoilers though!


This is what one website has predicted:


Also on a similar note, check this out btw!:


Normally we get the first chapter of next year leaked on the last week of the current year still, no?
so, in practical terms, we are gonna have 1034/break/1035/leaked1036/break due to being the week 1036 should launch officially/1037?

Gorosei Informer

Normally we get the first chapter of next year leaked on the last week of the current year still, no?
so, in practical terms, we are gonna have 1034/break/1035/leaked1036/break due to being the week 1036 should launch officially/1037?
Yeah something like that! We end up getting it early like that? That sounds about right, cheers!

Absolutely agree! I really hope Ame No Habakiri will be needed and used to finally put down Orochi once and for all! It's been weirdly neglected along with the Nidai for a very long time now.
Orochimaru was like the king of cheating death, Oda and Kishimoto are good friends apparently so he's probably taking heavy inspiration with Wano too, it explains a lot LMAO!
Seriously though, I really hope Oda doesn't fuck up this Orochi and Hiyori storyline. Both have been extremely frustrating during Onigashima for different reasons so far.

Yeah, we definitely have 1 more chapter and if there is a break in 2 weeks, then we should get at least 1 more chapter this month after it! I think it's towards January where we actually experience the WSJ break or something? I remember us having a very long wait in January for WSJ chapters before?

Ame no habakiri has to be with Hyori, just need a flashback on how she got it from Hitetsu and how the hell she snuck in Onigashima without anyone knowing... did the fox help:choppawhat:Yeah im thinking Nidai will be re-introduce after the war, because of right now the Sandai is not breaking, and I dnt think Zoro would just trade in his sword for another.
For real :catblush: Shame Orochi wasn't Orochimaru in ability, his df is op.

I'm sure we get something special around Christmas too . :neesama:before the upcoming breaks :chirstsad:


3 Palestine
Bro sabo is a kinda a yc1 of you think about it, luffy is already stronger than him. EOS Luffy will be the strongest he the mc bro and where is roger? sanji above bm and kaido seems off.
i respect ur list, just having a hard time believing it is the right one
The way I see it, Sabo has the potential of Ace who was stronger than Luffy. Sabo's strength progression is only gna get better. he is gna end up stronger than Akainu when he defeats him. He was easily the second strongest person at Dressrosa after Fuji.
Sabo basically had to carry a bunch of fodders against two admirals and put one of em in bandagaes. Not even Luffy has put a fighter of that calibre in that sort of state. Kaido pack soon come tho

Luffy did say he has to be stronger than everyone so we'll see but it's gna be hard displacing WB as the strongest to ever do it.

Gorosei Informer

Ame no habakiri has to be with Hyori, just need a flashback on how she got it from Hitetsu and how the hell she snuck in Onigashima without anyone knowing... did the fox help:choppawhat:Yeah im thinking Nidai will be re-introduce after the war, because of right now the Sandai is not breaking, and I dnt think Zoro would just trade in his sword for another.
For real :catblush: Shame Orochi wasn't Orochimaru in ability, his df is op.

I'm sure we get something special around Christmas too . :neesama:before the upcoming breaks :chirstsad:
Oh god I forgot about Gyukimaru! LOL! We haven't even see how he knew Ushimaru too, how they met! Oh no, what if he comes to Onigashima and he recognises that one Number as him? But he didn't see similarity in Zoro and Ushimaru despite how similar they are? Apparently he has the "Big Monk" Mythical Zoan or something like that too, so he's actually the fox originally and not a human and thus monk?

It would be cool if he helped Hiyori sneak in anyway! If Tama was able to sneak into Onigashima, I guess anyone can! LMAO! Although she did use brainwashed/enslaved gifters ofc...

Nidai is probably being saved for after the war indded as you said and for Hitetsu and Zoro to talk about and such. Someone suggested Nidai will be returned to Hitetsu and Zoro will keep Sandai but I'm not sure how to feel about that yet, I'd prefer he got the Nidai. But then if he's gonna get the Shodai too, it would be too soon after if he gets the Nidai soon too?

Lmaooo, Orochi would be cheating death even more than he does now! Oda would LOVE that! LMAO! Maybe Orochimaru was meant to be a OP character and Orochi was meant for Naruto?

Yeah, we do have Jump Festa coming up which should lead to more major announcements especially for Bleach at least. I'm surprised Film Red and live action casting weren't saved for that but ah well. Maybe there's more surprises to come?

I was hoping Onigashima was gonna fall by the end of this year, isn't is on less than 5 minutes left a few chapters ago now too? Are we really going on Namek time now? I doubt it's gonna fall before next year for us ofc, it's a real shame. I just want this plotline over with and to get this arc moving forwards more, especially now the rest of CP0 have shown up and the Onigashima CP0 group are going on the attack now instead of later for some reason.

Oda hasn't shown Luffy for quite a while now too which is really surprising too, it feels like ages since we've seen him?


The Road To Harmony
It's crazy to think, but this is the earliest point we've seen of Zoro. His first flashback occurred towards the end of his duels with Kuina and when he already possessed Kozaburo's blunt swords. This panel is the first time Zoro has ever wielded a real sword, and he can feel their weight.

It's very reminiscent of when Luffy first obtained his Devil Fruit and couldn't even perform a Jet Pistol.

What's even better is that we're likely still not done with Zoro's background. There's still his more important ties to Ryuma and Ushimaru.
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Maybe he'll be able to use ashura for longer than just one attack.
Nah i think first time use CoC will drain almost all his stamina.
Maybe like back then he just got one shot to hit king with all his power.
But why i dont see zoro feel the 2x damage effect from his drug, is it not kicking yet?
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Sanji's passion>the raid suit, it's the whole point of his character arc

Jimbei can't replace sanji, come on the onigashima fights are a big enough hint lol
Yeah his passion and his heart choose to not become like germa.
Yeah jinbe not really shine here, but no offense i like sanji too. But lookin at jinbe he got some potential he is ex shicibukai and the only one escape from BM.
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