Its really weird that Raizo vs Fukurokuju is STILL going but I think Fukurokuju has been resurrecting Orochi and Orochi who is now away from Fuku who is busy with Raizo too, will be vulnerable to being killed by Hiyori and possibly Denjiro to go full circle from early Wano.
Brook does have the Resurrection DF but it can't resurrect others, not yet at least anyway, maybe with awakening? Moria's DF is the closest we've seen so far, Big Mom's might have the potential BUT What The Fuku-rokuju is based on the Buddhist god of resurrection or so, so that has to be important. Fuku with the Edo Tensei No Jutsu?!

I want Orochi's DF to be the reason he's still alive though, such an extremely important, unique /rare and powerful DF that is infamous in Japanese mythology and it's being fucking wasted like this, sigh....

But yeah, we are due a break after next week/chapter 1034, although Oda might pull out all the breaks (I meant brakes but holy fuck that pun lmao) and give us more chapters in a row again? We have the WSJ Xmas break coming up end of December too, which is a month away as well.
To think of it, it means we won't get a chapter on Friday the 10th of December as it should be an Oda break, which leaves the 17th and at least 1 more chapter for the 24th or around that timeframe? I always forget how it works despite reading this series for well over a decade LMAO!
Maybe we'll get chapters on the 17th and 24th but leaves 1 more until an Oda break and the next chapter would be on 31st December? There should be the WSJ break around this time too...At least with a WSJ break we should get much earlier spoilers though!

This is what one website has predicted:
Also on a similar note, check this out btw!:

Brook does have the Resurrection DF but it can't resurrect others, not yet at least anyway, maybe with awakening? Moria's DF is the closest we've seen so far, Big Mom's might have the potential BUT What The Fuku-rokuju is based on the Buddhist god of resurrection or so, so that has to be important. Fuku with the Edo Tensei No Jutsu?!

I want Orochi's DF to be the reason he's still alive though, such an extremely important, unique /rare and powerful DF that is infamous in Japanese mythology and it's being fucking wasted like this, sigh....

But yeah, we are due a break after next week/chapter 1034, although Oda might pull out all the breaks (I meant brakes but holy fuck that pun lmao) and give us more chapters in a row again? We have the WSJ Xmas break coming up end of December too, which is a month away as well.
To think of it, it means we won't get a chapter on Friday the 10th of December as it should be an Oda break, which leaves the 17th and at least 1 more chapter for the 24th or around that timeframe? I always forget how it works despite reading this series for well over a decade LMAO!
Maybe we'll get chapters on the 17th and 24th but leaves 1 more until an Oda break and the next chapter would be on 31st December? There should be the WSJ break around this time too...At least with a WSJ break we should get much earlier spoilers though!

This is what one website has predicted:

Also on a similar note, check this out btw!:

so, in practical terms, we are gonna have 1034/break/1035/leaked1036/break due to being the week 1036 should launch officially/1037?