Speculations Kuina was killed by someone

Was kuina secretly killed?

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Kuina being killed just feels melodramatic with no reason; cheap over-the-top writing common among amateurs, basically. The simplicity of a potential superhuman dying form something so humble and close to the reader works way better as it enhances Zoro's growth from the inherent fragility of human beings to what he's now.

2. In some Japanese Families, saying "Fell of the Stairs" means "Suicide", cuz sometimes it's hard for them to say that word (Since it's about someone they love), so they prefer the first phrase
Pretty sure this myth was made up by One Piece fans who believe Kuina killed herself and you can't trace any unrelated Japanese source mentioning it.
Pretty sure this myth was made up by One Piece fans who believe Kuina killed herself and you can't trace any unrelated Japanese source mentioning it.
I don't need to
You think a Shonen Author would say or be allowed to say that an 11 Year Old Girl committed Suicide because of Inferiority Complex?
Ofc he can't say it directly, it might influence Kids the wrong way, especially Japan where Suicide is considered a Major Social Problem.

So instead he had to say "She fell off the stairs", so that Young Readers don't assume she committed Suicide, but after they grow up, revisiting that Scene & what she said the Night before her Death & how Zoro reacted to the News & blamed her for leaving like that, will make them realize that she indeed committed Suicide. (Especially in a Manga where even Bombs might not kill anyone)

Suicide is a serious issue in Japan, they don't talk about it casually in front of Kids, so if they are forced to talk about it, they might try to use a different term/expression so the Kids don't notice & only Grown Ups do. So yeah, you won't find a Source for it, cuz it's not something Cultural, it's just logical normal behavior in front of Kids.
Stairs are dangerous. Don’t underestimate these stairs

Even Darkseid fell to stairs.

Data about stairs are dangerous


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Suicide is a serious issue in Japan, they don't talk about it casually in front of Kids, so if they are forced to talk about it, they might try to use a different term/expression so the Kids don't notice & only Grown Ups do. So yeah, you won't find a Source for it, cuz it's not something Cultural, it's just logical normal behavior in front of Kids.
If I have to guess, it have do with work ing more hours as many people say but this article say about USA work more hours than any countries.

American don’t have suicide problem like japan. I am guessing Japan have lack of support groups.
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Yes you read it right. Something is telling me that she was killed by someone close to her father...
Do you guys remember that old gorosei dude with the shodai kitetsu?

He looks like he is from wano and more than that he looks like an elder version of koshiro.
What if this dude is actually the bigger brother of koshiro? And what if he was the one who killed kuina? That would build up a hatred revenge mission for zoro.

I know kuina fell down the stairs and died thats whats being told, but I think she died even before she fell down the stairs, she was killed by someone and I think this someone is the gorosei dude but it could also be someone else. I do not think it was just some accident and I know Oda will probably take this route as soon as we get more of zoros flashback.

What do you think?
The Marines were after the samurai according to Kozaburo, maybe they killed Kuina, maybe Tashigi is really a Kuina clone made by Vegapunk.