Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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3 interesting point, first Hell was actually a title chapter for 1009 in which Zoro took hakkay (so call strongest combo attack in One Piece)
Hell is a major plot point that in all Onigashima acting as fate.
An other point is the different philosophy between what blade meant to be, one to cut people down and the other the opposite.
Last Zoro ambition is at the top with Luffy


The Road To Harmony
An other point is the different philosophy between what blade meant to be, one to cut people down and the other the opposite.
Made this connection during my chapter review. Wado Ichimonji and Enma are counterparts through and through. It also makes me wonder of the relationship between Kozaburo and Koshiro even more. They seem like clashing figures, and it would explain why Kozaburo views Enma as his greatest craft. It is the sword which best personifies his philosophy on swordsmanship.
3 interesting point, first Hell was actually a title chapter for 1009 in which Zoro took hakkay (so call strongest combo attack in One Piece)
Hell is a major plot point that in all Onigashima acting as fate.
An other point is the different philosophy between what blade meant to be, one to cut people down and the other the opposite.
Last Zoro ambition is at the top with Luffy
This is pretty interesting. I like Zoro's three swords represent his journey: Branded as a demon (Enma) he will slay other demons (Sandai Kitetsu) on a straight road of harmony (Wado Ichimonji)
Guys why did Oda draw boss Hyogoro commenting about how special Luffy/Zoro look like to the wisdom king and to the god of blade? Both figure are extremely important in Wano. Is it possible that you need both to take down Kaido?

We didn't see Hyogoro praising Momosuke or Marco or Kidd/Law only this 2.
This should make it clear that this 2 will bloody overshadow all the other member in this arc.
Boss Hyogoro probably the oldest member in the alliance and the most wise see in this 2 the hope Wano was waiting for over 20years.

What are your opinion?