@Topi Jerami better hope that
Momonosuke save the save island and Yamato as her bomb defuse duty to succeed so his boyfriend King can fight more than 15 minutes otherwise, zoro pull one shot move on king like Mr.1.

Trio color admiral durability > king durability because they don’t bleed from Marco attack.
Fujitora can midd dif fight on king.
Zoro came to end doflamingo arc once for all with his famous one shot move.
Get blocked fujitora guy out nowhere like shanks block Akainu fist from nowhere.
Fujitora make zoro stand down with his gravity power.
Zoro struggle the gravity power and luffy want to save zoro.
Zoro try to pull his flying attack but futjitora block it just fine.
Fujitora is show he is sad to repay with violence to pay the debt. It mean fujitora is not using his full power unlike king is willing to use full power on everyoneand not like son Goku who give senzu beans for fair fight.
Fujitora is guy may give senzu beans to enemies even they are enemies.
‘Fujitora like video game boss who beat you beat first and then you have train yourself or level up and beat the same guy as you are stronger than before.
Fujitora can fly freely unlike zoro. First zoro have to defeat King, then he can be stronger than king and have match with Fujitora in full power with no holding back.
Fujitora handle zoro better than kadio and big mom.
admirals are end game enemy and they will fight luffy side. Zoro will fight milhawk, shyrui, Fujitor, and lastly kizaru (the guy who almost kill zoro). Luffy will face Akainu and fight it.