Has Queen been defeated?

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Queen is funny Not a fan of king cause he not doing much but there fight is great but queen be literally entertaining just like any other opponents of sanji
Not saying I don't like king or smthin lol
Yeah I like Queen better as a character but I like King's fighting style more
It's more fast paced and brutal
Both are great in their own rights
And then there's Jack :kobeha:
There are in-betweens.

If you're one handed dude who has used sword in flashbacks, used sword in present, and uses sword in every single clash so far, on top of having no Devil Fruit or no special abilities of sorts, on top of once rivaling the WSS, you... kind of are a swordsman 100% unless somehow shockingly proven otherwise.

The narrative "If you use a sword, you're a swordsman" is false. But in all honesty, that narrative means fuck all for Shanks. There are a lot of far more convincing reasons if not downright evidence of Shanks being a swordsman through and through.

Unless you feel like pretending that he throws his sword away and starts kicking like Sanji as his main fighting style.
Shanks sandals confirmed is not a swordman :cheers:
Because he isn't sticking to his primary fight style - swordsmanship

He can change his style just to win.

But no indication of such things when it comes to shanks whose fans created "hakiman" concept to put shanks over mihawk. But we all know haki is integral to swordsmanship

You are equating two different scenarios to prove a point which in totally false
Of course Haki is integral to Swordsmen. There is no other way a character without a Devil Fruit can reach the level of those with broken Devil Fruits without insanely strong Haki. It was never feasible, nor did it make a lick of sense to suggest otherwise.

But the concept of a "True Swordsman" does exist, and that is one who lives and dies by the Sword. It's their primary means of fighting, and they don't rely on other gimmicks to become stronger.
I'm seriously asking how can Sanji fans be hyped about his fight ? when we had last chapter Zoro fighting a FUCKING GOD who is immortal and has more durability than freaking Kaido ?
I find zoro boring and 1 dimensional just like you find sanji fight less hyped.

Just play house with your z fans. Nobody asked you to read this chapter .
I had a theory a few weeks back that Sanji’s exoskeleton was going to be necessary to make his body durable enough for whatever his final power up was going to be to defeat Queen, and it looks like I was more or less right. I’ve wanted Sanji to expand on his fire power for longer than it should have taken tbh, but I’m just very happy it’s happening now. Can’t wait to see what this Majin Jambe of his looks like. Also seems like the physical boosts have made Sanji an outright speed demon. Might just be the fastest person on the side of the alliance.

I’m not really a tier junkie so where all this puts him isn’t something I particularly care about. But I’m satisfied with the unique flavour Sanji’s abilities have taken him. I was afraid Sanji would become Franky the Super Sentai Cook but instead all it’s done is augment his fighting style and he’s become the quintessential Iron Chef.

The tiniest part of me wanted him to have CoC - not for strength, but because of the narrative of giving Judge the middle finger about him not having rOyAL pRiDe, but in the first place he finds his joy in serving others, not reigning over them, and that’s just how he is. In the first place, I wouldn’t want CoC to become what Super Saiyan or Bankai became towards the end of their series lmao. So long as Sanji keeps getting stronger, keeps fighting even tougher enemies from here on out, and keeps playing a part in the larger story, I’m happy.

Now I just need him to fight an enemy that matches Sanji as a martial artist. As much as I love Queen and the techno Swiss Army knife he’s turning out to be, I want Sanji up against a more technical fighter in the same vein as Jabra, because that’s when his fighting style shows out the best.
What is this feeling. It’s like a weight of disappointment has been lifted off my shoulders.
Tbh, Jack wasn't that bad by himself.

Losoing to Sulong Inurashi is no shame. Dude's among the stronger Commanders by himself.

But the fucked up part is Oda drawing Perospero jobbing base Nekomamushi, who is peer to Inurashi.

That just made Jack look like shit.
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