Break Week Zoro fans are onto something. There is a lot of anti-Zoro bias out there

Zoro-fans have always been the most correct out of the fandom go all the way back and check out Reddit, Arlong Park, NFS, comic vine etc.

Zoro fans - Zoro cutting Mr.1 is haki

Anti-faction - bunch of idiots Zoro can’t use haki back then, Enel one shotted

Zoro fans - Zoro has CoC check out F.I and statements by characters in the manga

Anti-faction - only Luffy can have CoC if Zoro gets it, it ruins Luffys position

Zoro fans - Shanks is a swordsman therefore Zoro must surpass shanks and Mihawk to be GSM

Anti-faction - nope he has CoC and sandals

Zoro fans - check out the similarities between Kaido and Zoro (Tiger vs Dragon)

Anti-faction - Zoro isn’t fighting a Yonko that’s for Luffy to do not Zoro, especially if Sanji didn’t fight one during WCI

Are there outlandish things some of us might say sure but out of all the fandoms we’re the most correct when it comes to power level debates and where Zoro ranks.

Unfortunately placing Zoro and Luffy together is insanity even though the manga shoves it down our throats and people ignore it, Zoro fans aren’t the cancer but the cure
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Candies have been like that since day 1, it's funny how they always play victim when someone claps back. :saden:
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In other news.

Zoro Fandom after Kaido says only a handful of the Strongest can coat their attacks in CoC

*That doesn't mean shit. AdCoC is shit. Bullshit riddled with bullshit. *

Zoro Fandom after Zoro uses AdCoC

"Omg, do you see Zoro using a power only a handful of the Strongest can use? The nut I just busted, busted a nut!!! Zoro is the Greatest ever!"
-Zoro uses CoC coating.
"N-No he didn't he can't even use CoC, it was all Enma, j-just look at this panel here, where's the lightning? It's Oden's haki!!"
You and other bozos like you. :kobeha:
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Indeed, he is right. When Zoro has it, it's useless. But before he had it it was like top tier shit lmao
he said shanks might have a special haki, he still believes he has something special don't get it wrong... he wasn't just referring about Adv CoC...
I mean if oda wants to explain why shanks is stronger than mihawk if it's the case, then he will obviously introduce something new or explain why shanks is superior (if it's the case )


Spoiler Provider
In other news.

Zoro Fandom after Kaido says only a handful of the Strongest can coat their attacks in CoC

*That doesn't mean shit. AdCoC is shit. Bullshit riddled with bullshit. *

Zoro Fandom after Zoro uses AdCoC

"Omg, do you see Zoro using a power only a handful of the Strongest can use? The nut I just busted, busted a nut!!! Zoro is the Greatest ever!"
The problem with what you’re saying is you fail to realize Zoro’s individual AP pre-aCoC was still much greater than individual aCoC attacks shown.

Even in Zori vs King we see just how powerful Zori’s and King’s AP are.

aCoC is simply an AP/Defense booster.

Why would it matter to Zori when he already has the best individual AP feat in Wano, and the best and most unparalleled Defensive feat in the series.

Other characters having aCoC doesn’t take away those facts. Especially when some aCoC characters still can’t reproduce his feats.

He's like the candies ringleader, ofc they take him seriously, anyone that makes delusional claims that Lanji is comparable to Zoro and stronger than Supernovas is very credible to them. :saden:
I can't even watch his videos. They're clearly aimed at children. I just cannot stand how he constantly needs to drop a meme cutaway after making a single point. Like he can't just talk for 10 minutes.
In other news.

Zoro Fandom after Kaido says only a handful of the Strongest can coat their attacks in CoC

*That doesn't mean shit. AdCoC is shit. Bullshit riddled with bullshit. *

Zoro Fandom after Zoro uses AdCoC

"Omg, do you see Zoro using a power only a handful of the Strongest can use? The nut I just busted, busted a nut!!! Zoro is the Greatest ever!"

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Many of old cats here will remember the Luffy defense force from OJ

And i say this in my most honest possible way - those dudes take a giant dump on Zoro fans when it come to wanking and downplay.

From coordinated attacks, death threats and downright clown fiestas they were more toxic than anything Zoro and Sanji fans can muster today