Powers & Abilities What is the white lightning of Ifrit Jambe ?

What is it

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I swear some of y'all are so predictable acting like children.
someone talks about facts and trying to explain that when flames are hot enough they can emit lightning/plasma.
Zorobois : sanji fans are better than scientists of the world.

HAHAH lmao children's technique when they don't know something and act grumpy


No, there is also white lightning from time to time.

I don't care who mentinoned plasma, i didn't, so why do you spam it when answering me?
those are all old instances maybe when oda was deciding what to do with haki? I dunno.
Besides all the other sanji fans are calling it fucking plasma even chrono so don't blame me:kayneshrug:
It's not that. The lightning in the volcano occurs in the same way as in the sky, being derived from the exchange of electrons in the friction between the smoke particles expelled by the volcano, it does not come from heat. To have been that kind of lightning in Sanji's attack, it would have had to have produced smoke.
You can also do it with air particles, but you'll need more heat to create this plasma effect