What is King’s real name?

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I feel that King's look doesn't fit Oda's art style at all, i mean it's great and i like it but it feels unOda like.
100% King has CoC and if he doesn't show it this chapter, either he is not defeated or he and Queen get up with awakening.
yes they will get up with awakening i think
Queen is defeated so he will stand up with awakening where as king won't be completely defeated and use awakening early
Yeah honestly I didn't even think the gap was this big. But it makes sense, as Queen is a scientist too and so far King is nothing but a fighter
You could say that his 'amministrative' role in the Beast Pirates is 'War Strategist' seen how efficiently and quickly he gave instructions to the Officers as soon as the raid started.
Zoro is more trusting in Sanji's strength than fearing King's strength, and more excited about their hypothetical duel.

King and Queen are 5% difference in portrayal and Sanji quickly finished him off with Ifrit, saying King would "destroy" Sanji is a clownish take, King is not Kaido.
That's wrong. Some of you been pushing that because you want those two to be close in strength but they're not. The manga has made it very clear.

King fearlessly faced Big Mom and her crew by himself and stopped them from reaching the top of the waterfall. While Queen freaked out when he faced Big Mom at the prison with his subordinates.

King is requiring ACoC Zoro to beat him.
King with his fire defense trick has the same durability as Queen

Yeah Queen has more endurance by feats, Marco used 2 named attacks on Queen with Adv.CoA shockwaves, against one for King, and he hurt both

Big Mom couldn't knock out Queen

Queen needs lightspeed Ifrit Demon God Wind Leg to get defeated
Normal DF King has already enough defense to match .

The race makes him go beyond such normal defense that's why he's " beyond dinosaurs and dragon".

Learn to read

Gol D. Roger

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If your faster than King….all you gotta do is wait for him to be on the offence.
He doesn't need to move fast to hit faster targets though. He can use spamming moves while flying around as he did against Marco. Marco has enough speed to keep up with the fastest character in the series. There aren't many characters who can move fast enough to pressure King to that degree.
If only Oda give King a mythical beast like Fenrir or Yamato's DF something, he will attract even more fans imo. Heck Oda just retcon Yamato's DF and give it to King instead, he can join Luffy as the next roster of WSMs within the crew.

And his name is also superbly designed. Abel is a super super powerful name.
Looks like he has delicate body his defense is fire.

I doubt king has CoC it seems like yamato is only one in the crew that possess .

Honestly its weird Yamato could be powerful than king snd Queen yet kaido asked likes of ulti , whos who to capture her. XD
his body isnt "delicate"
but he wont be tanking those hits from zoro
those same attacks would cut kaido.

"Honestly its weird Yamato could be powerful than king snd Queen yet kaido asked likes of ulti , whos who to capture her. XD"
kaido is drunk
if it would be high or extreme diff fight than zoro would look weaker than sanji since sanji mid diffed queen.... IMO Zoro should mid diff King too or else that would mean King is superrior to Queen and Sanji is equal to zoro
I highly doubt Oda gives half a damn about these things fans come up with. He has focused on Sanji's crisis and turned Queen into a narrative tool to articulate his growing, same for King and Zoro's understanding of blades's nature, what it means to be a king and to master even the "cursed" ones.

If anybody truly believes Oda pays attention to whatever a character is low, mid, high, top or whatever diffing their adversary, they are delusional.
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