What is King’s real name?

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Sanji fans in

Sanji gonna fight King.
King is trashhh.

Zoro fans in:

Roof Piece Zoro >>>>> Fodder King gets one shoted, it would be disrespect for Zoro to fight this trash

Reality hits and Zoro is fighting King and is getting his ass beat - oMg KiNg Is So StRoNg He Is StRoNgEr ThAn KaIdOu!!!

Well the rooftop fight is telling a different story because Zoro was fast enough to bliz Kaido / have a clash and overhelm him when using Asura. He was faster enough to safe luffy from a close range attack from Big Mom motherly fire, he was fast enough to reach apoo that reacked to CP0 guys (which show to move very fast).
Zoro underwater was faster than a Odi, Zoro was faster than Kuma. Zoro can dodge beams
That is your opinion that Zoro cant keep up with snakeman or katakuri.
King need advcoc to get defeated a guy that has a better defense than the dragon scales which could handlemultiple boundman hits. Luffy stated that....all what he tried before chap 1009 didnt work....only adv coc.
As such King that has a better defense than Kaido dragon scale can handle too boundman hits and that was proof again and again. Nothing working until Zoro used advcoc. End of the story (it is not that hard to read this manga you know :suresure:)
Anyway you have your opinion that your boys are much stronger and I have mine which is saying the opposite.
I don't understand why people rate kaidos speed above all others. Kaido isn't known as speedster like kizaru.
Kaidos top speed doesn't automatically mean katas slower. Just like with sanji.
Blitzing kiaid is a good feat but I don't see how it compares to snakeman vs future sight.

You think luffy could blitz kaido with snakeman right?

Zoro is already a Low Top Tier. If he gets a Black Blade, he would have surpassed Oden and should be placed above him in tier lists.
sure he should be placed above Oden, I agree. I dont care about low top tier mid or whatever he is just in that group of pirate that can have a chance to win vs even the strongest in One Piece.
50&50 chance to win vs everyone when Zoro has all 3 blacken blades.
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