What is King’s real name?

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Gorosei Informer

And trust me if you were reasonable with your Kidd wank I and most people who shit on him won't do it. Look at @rerere at least he's reasonable with Killer wank and not many people shit on Killer.
I dare you. Go ask @rerere what diff he thinks a Killer vs Zoro fight would be for Zoro and let’s see if you still think he’s “reasonable with his Killer wank” in your eyes lol.

Anyway you’re probably the last dude on this forum that should be telling someone about “reasonable wank” as you are easily one the most unreasonable Zoro wankers I’ve ever seen.


I will never forgive Oda
King not wanting anyone to know he's a Lunarian would explain his very reserved nature.

No one on the Beast Pirates has seen his face. He likely doesn't trust a single one of them, which would include Queen, who he glared at for mentioning his race. Kaido being the only real exception.

The only Beast Pirates who probably do know what he looks like are Kaido and possibly Queen. Kaido and King were experiments for the Government together, and Queen once worked alongside Vegapunk, who's affiliated with the Government. He's also displayed the most knowledge about Lunarians, which would make sense if he had access to notes or was involved in the research. Kaido likely recruited the two together.

King's animosity towards Queen could be explained by the experiments he probably had to endure under him. A Zoro and Sanji bromance these two don't have. There's no doubt in my mind they despise each other more than anyone else.
I'm 100% certain that Queen personally experimented on King and Kaido at some point. It'd be too perfect for Oda to not go that way.


Zoro Worshipper
I dare you. Go ask @rerere what diff he thinks a Killer vs Zoro fight would be for Zoro and let’s see if you still think he’s “reasonable with his Killer wank” in your eyes lol.

Anyway you’re probably the last dude on this forum that should be telling someone about “reasonable wank” as you are easily one the most unreasonable Zoro wankers I’ve ever seen.
What did I ever say that qualifies as a wank?

And the difference is Zoro always delivers and over delivers while all I have been hearing about Kidd is "Disappointing" "Underwhelming"

How about you accept that Kidd is a worthless sack of shit rather than have High expectations and look like an idiot?
- Flashback of the moment in which Kaidou and King meet. Both were in a government research facility.

So Kaido and King first meet and they were in a government facility. Now this fight is getting into history lore dumping too. Queen hyped King, now we might be getting....
Kaido hyping King too?:myman:

King has been with Kaido from the beginining it was just him and Kaido. Probably the earlierst flashback of Kaido to date.
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