What is King’s real name?

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But then why Oda decided to make 9 scabbards knowing he had to give screentime to the 9 of them? Oda clearly getting old, wants the series to end and rushes the fights but keeps adding shit nobody asked for
Oda is suffering from his success. He probably thinks he is a demigod who can do nothing wrong. I blame the editors too. A bunch of yes men who clearly dont like to contradict to Oda. I remember one editor cried after reading the 9 scabbards "Sunacci" chapter (chapter 986)!

I know he's probably in a crunch to try to get this arc over with, but this just feels like a different kind of rushed. Kind of hard to describe, but it definitely doesn't feel in line with how Oda traditionally moves towards wrapping up an arc.
Yes, its almost like his heart is not at the right place. I am having this feeling since WCI.
The basic gist of it was (From what I can remember) is that in Suikoden, you have the "True Runes" and their off shoot counterparts. From what I remember, each true runes can bare two other runes (maybe three), and when those runes come together they form a "True Rune".

So the theory was that is how Blackbeard ate two devil fruits, because those two fruits came from on singular fruit. So one person could technically eat two fruits as long as the came from the Original fruit.

Then I went to to point out how there is multiple devil fruits in One Piece that are off shoots of each other, or rather "Superior/Inferior" fruits.

Mr. 5 and Gladius' fruits.

Miss Valentine, and Machvises fruits.

Ace and Akainu

Aokiji and Monet

There was a few others. Oda mentioned them in an SBS, which is what prompted me to make the theory, cause I just so happened to be replaying Suikoden at the time that the SBS dropped, and I was like, wait a minute....
nah, the kid Fc are just friends and we share ridiculous funny stuff with each other.

i know these kind of relationship between human must be something new for you, but it exists and it’s great. You should try it. :)
I do it with mostly non Zoro fans like @Mr. Anderson @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @LANJI CUCKSMOKE on discord besides Zoro fans too

You should join thirsty gen too tho right now its mostly filled with shinanigans @Punpun and that Don le fishe guy so its up to yob
Your affinity is the strongest to FF instead right? :steef:

Lets hijack this thread into games thread:funky:

...i dislike that Zelda Breath of The Wild's music is almost non-existent, the GOAT of trailer music itself doesnt exist in the actual game and replaced with flicks of low-volume guitar here and there :whitepress:

The last part of the comment :suresure:
Yeah, FF is still my all time favorite RPG series. There is still a ton of other classics out there. The best part is, with those old games, I never get bored of going back to them, no matter how many times I've beaten them.


Welcome to the House of Hope
I know he's probably in a crunch to try to get this arc over with, but this just feels like a different kind of rushed. Kind of hard to describe, but it definitely doesn't feel in line with how Oda traditionally moves towards wrapping up an arc.

Like the people of the Flower STILL don't know they are in danger. Yet Queen and King are already done for? Somethings off here.
Yes. Something IS indeed off.
Maybe the fact that Oda is old as fuck, has a lot of mental and physical issues due to the workload and his aging, and is furiously addicted in putting more and more characters and plots inside a story that has already enough characters and plots to carry it until the end.
The dude, after years and years of stretching this story, simply doesn't know how the fuck to wrap things up anymore.
Oda is addicted in "starting" things, but he completely lost the ability of "finishing" things. He literally doesn't know how to follow up stuff.
Instead of creating a coherent sequence of events, every plot that happens in the story looks like a plot of its own.
Just look at Sanji. He vanishes looking for prostitutes, but GOTCHA! he is using the suit to rescue Momo. Out of NOWHERE, he goes with Luffy to the roof, BUT GOTCHA! he goes out of his way and gets captured. He has a Kalifa 2.0 moment, but GOTCHA! Now he asks for help and trusts the woman. He starts running after Kinemon, BUT GOTCHA! Now he needs to decide to go for Momo. He's going for Momo, BUT GOTCHA! Gotta take care of Zoro and go to the Live Floor. He surely will put the suit to fight Queen, BUT GOTCHA! His body's been feeling weird OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE. So Sanji is losing his emotions and even hit a woman, gets a cool moment from it. BUT GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS HIM, QUEEN! WHO HIT THE GIRL!
He just STOPS the normal sequence of events to just ADD stuff and just repeats it time after time after time after time.

And I'm just talking about Sanji during Onigashima.
That's just 1 character inside a part of the arc.
This problem comes from a loooooooooong way.
Oda is suffering from his success. He probably thinks he is a demigod who can do nothing wrong. I blame the editors too. A bunch of yes men who clearly dont like to contradict to Oda. I remember one editor cried after reading the 9 scabbards "Sunacci" chapter (chapter 986)!

Yes, its almost like his heart is not at the right place. I am having this feeling since WCI.
There was no need for scabbards to fight kaido . Their main nemesis was orochi in the end . Like i suspect chapter was extended due to this .
So the theory was that is how Blackbeard ate two devil fruits, because those two fruits came from on singular fruit. So one person could technically eat two fruits as long as the came from the Original fruit.
So do you believe that Gura Gura and Yami Yami, which imo doesn't really relate, is like the Bright Shield Rune and Black Sword Rune, that can be fused together into 1 True Rune?

The idea seems cool, but I think Yami Yami and Gura Gura being unrelated kinda debunk this.

Then I went to to point out how there is multiple devil fruits in One Piece that are off shoots of each other, or rather "Superior/Inferior" fruits.

Mr. 5 and Gladius' fruits.

Miss Valentine, and Machvises fruits.

Ace and Akainu

Aokiji and Monet
Well, there are Rage and Fire, Thunder and Lightning, Cyclone and Wind, Flowing and Water, Mother Earth and Earth too in Suikoden..
Yes. Something IF indeed off.
Maybe the fact that Oda is old as fuck, has a lot of mental and physical issues due to the workload and his aging, and is furiously addicted in putting more and more characters and plots inside a story that has already enough characters and plots to carry it until the end.
The dude, after years and years of stretching this story, simply doesn't know how the fuck to wrap things up anymore.
Oda is addicted in "starting" things, but he completely lost the ability of "finishing" things. He literally doesn't know how to follow up stuff.
Instead of creating a coherent sequence of events, every plot that happens in the story looks like a plot of its own.
Just look at Sanji. He vanishes looking for prostitutes, but GOTCHA! he is using the suit to rescue Momo. Out of NOWHERE, he goes with Luffy to the roof, BUT GOTCHA! he goes out of his way and gets captured. He has a Kalifa 2.0 moment, but GOTCHA! Now he asks for help and trusts the woman. He starts running after Kinemon, BUT GOTCHA! Now he needs to decide to go for Momo. He's going for Momo, BUT GOTCHA! Gotta take care of Zoro and go to the Live Floor. He surely will put the suit to fight Queen, BUT GOTCHA! His body's been feeling weird OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE. So Sanji is losing his emotions and even hit a woman, gets a cool moment from it. BUT GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS HIM, QUEEN! WHO HIT THE GIRL!
He just STOPS the normal sequence of events to just ADD stuff and just repeats it time after time after time after time.

And I'm just talking about Sanji during Onigashima.
That's just 1 character inside a part of the arc.
This problem comes from a loooooooooong way.
I think his editors are starting to try and put more and more input into the series now. Like he didn't even care that chapter 1000 was approaching, and was just going about the story as usual. and then said his editors started making a big deal about it, and so come chapter 980 he was feeling the pressure of needing to do something big for the chapter, when that was never his intention. I don't think roofpiece was ever supposed to happen, but because of the pressure from the editors, that's the direction the raid ended up taking.
@Celestial D. Dragon

As i suspect fight sequence is the one i detest i feel like rooftop should have been last sequence of the war it should have been final showdown and Oda made mistake introducing it too early .

King , Queen should have been taken off way first . I never understood why Oda introduced Marco in the war he absolutely did nothing other than playing around .
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