Powers & Abilities Did King use CoC?

Is this thread a parody or what? King has nothing to do with CoC. That's Oda fucking trolling people. His editors let him know what the fanbase thinks, and everyone was talking about Zoro/King "ACoC clash".

A clash is a clash. You both push into it something. This is Zoro pulling back his swords.


Is this thread a parody or what? King has nothing to do with CoC. That's Oda fucking trolling people. His editors let him know what the fanbase thinks, and everyone was talking about Zoro/King "ACoC clash".

A clash is a clash. You both push into it something. This is Zoro pulling back his swords.
oh wow this man already made up a whole story in his head :milaugh:


What story? Oda is a not a reader that skims over panels. He is sitting there for hours drawing panels like that. He knows exactly that that looks like a CoC clash, but it clearly isn't. That's just trolling 101. Not the first time he's done it.

"Fake CoC" is one of the most recurring gags in OP.
yes that story lots of assumptions going on there but l already know why:ihaha:
it,s still unclear but in the panel we see king almost use sword comb to steal zoro sword again so zoro use CoC or ACoc (maybe) to free his sword from king :zorothink:
but for more details about king have coc or not gonna wait oda explanation...