Do you believe these spoilers ?

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It's not sudden though, he did this in 1008/1009 and has laughed or smiled during fights against several evil villains.
Also Orochi has always been portrayed as the more outright evil for evil sake character creating most of the drama directly.
Orochi isn't evil for evil sake. Wano fucked his family over and he wanted to have the entire country feel what he felt
I think this is the real reason why they hatin on Luffy chilling with Kaido.
The only problem is this literally just happened and ended with him being ktfo
Luffy having fun fighting a powerul guy is okay.
Problem is that Oda spent doyens of chapters setting up Kaido as heinous big bad of the arc and the sudden tone shift is jarring
How does having fun in combat contradict any of his personality? That is literally the most important thing about him.

It's weirder for Luffy to have fun tbh
You ate my Cheesy Gordita Crunch from Taco Bell right in front of my face and laughed when I started crying, you had it coming and we both know it :kriwhat:
I saw the whole thing from a perch, drinking my grandma's Bacardi in my plastic Michelangelo costume.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Black Maria was being a bitch
Sasaki attacked his own crew
Who's Who was a racist
Kaido never did anything personal to Luffy
Trying to execute Momo, almost blowing half of Luffy's crew to oblivion, etc is not enough I guess.
Luffy got pissed at Crocodile why? During Whiskey Peak he was actually excited to fight him and all.
But after he saw his friend, Vivi, desperate, he just got hella mad and wanted to beat the shit out of Croc. No buddy buddy.
Same for Arlong making Nami cry.
Same for Krieg trying to destroy the Baratie.
Same for Buggy trashing the dog's shop.
This "buddy buddy" moment could have made sense with someone like Shanks, considering he actually IS Luffy's friend.
Luffy has 0 build up to be having this "casual sparring" with Kaido. It should be a fucking serious fight like the one against Lucci.
He ain't fight for no damn 30 mins. Chopper was in Monster point. More like 20 minutes maybe than got destroyed. Zoro low diff King after learning Acoc and Enma literally takes your haki your have to be strong enough which Zoro was.
it was "several tens of minutes", according to the Japanese raw, 2 is not several.

Zoro didn't "low diff shit", that is his ceiling, he was overdrafting his haki to the max and said he was about to die, what a fucking retarded take.


I will never forgive Oda
Not just sanji and zoro.
Robin didn't befriended Black Maria.
Jinbe wasn't laughing at Whoswho racist fishermen jokes.
Franky wasn't inviting Sasaki to go for a drink after the fight like Senor Pink.

I'm not against Luffy having his "goku" moment with someone. But with fucking KAIDO????? Couldn't it be with freaking SHANKS??????
He just had one with Katakuri so why the fuck is it happening again?! Why is it in the guy who ruined countless of Luffy’s new Wano friends and allies lives.
Modern Christian based society has a belief in pluralism, live and let live and have willingly given up the absolute control on society to do so.
Islamic extremists are the problem infringing on Christians who laid down their proverbial swords to live in a pluralistic "modern" society, abusing that acceptance with Taqiya when weak, to fatwas when strong, ADL etc. do the same thing for Judaism so it isn't a problem unique to Islam.
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