What was the last movie you watched?

I recently watched my favorite movie Drunken Master II, 10/10 because of the great choreography and action. I actually did an essay on the video editing in one of the fight scenes for college. The way a lot of the classic Jackie Chan movies are edited in general formed my personal philosophy on how to edit media.

If there's at least one scene I would recommend watching it would be the axe gang fight, easily one of my favorite movie scenes ever. :endthis:



Kitetsu Wanker
Matrix ressurections: 2/10
Holy fuck was it bad, lame actions scenes, Neo was weak as fuck, shit story as well
Not worth watching
What are your main complaints about it?
I watched it too, I think it is not bad if you go into it without expectations.
However, it is also lacking, shallow and missing out on a lot of opportunities...
The concept aint bad but the realization could have been much better.