One more reason why Zoro aint done: this is Zoro feat on Dressrosa, everyone saw what Zoro did (and was not his arc):
Zoro vs King in Wano: They remain unaware of the fact that their lives could be snuffed out at any moment! None saw a fire&magma dragon none is aware to what Zoro did. Not even the member in the alliance inside Onigashima.......
The 2 MVP are Luffy&Zoro in Wano - check both had the most significant moment with the member of the kuzuki family
Luffy momo, Zoro Hyiro, both interacted with the kid O-tama / Zoro saw the execution of a member of the shimotzuki clan.
Zoro saw the poor sool affected by the smiles. Yet no one know what Zoro did for this guys so far in Onigashima none.
Hiyori has no idea what Zoro did, nor all the people that interacted with Zoro or the member in the alliance. There is no one that is grateful for what Zoro did.
Sanji had a witness to his fight, and she is taking care of Sanji.
For Luffy we had Momo talking to all alliance that Luffy would kick Kaido ass. Everyone knows about that. None saw Zoro which is very odd if we check the other fights for the timeskip.
Something epic has to come for Zoro that will show how much he cares for Wano