Btw, if people were curious about Oda's 5 years left clarification from sept 2020, TCB/Eten translated it from vol 97 sbs:
This pretty much confirms that "5 years left" was only meant to service the remaining part of Luffy's journey to Laugh Tale, not what comes after. Post Wano, Oda has to build up what will become the final war, however this does NOT resolve Luffy's need to find the last Road Poneglyph, go to Elbaf and potentially Lodestar in the LEAST before getting to Laugh Tale.
Remember that it took several years to build to what Wano became, it did not start overnight. The Final War WILL need to escalate into something huge post Wano. Luffy first needs to find One Piece, and then by Whitebeards words, will be ready to take down the WG and whomever else.
Essentially we need to cap off Wano/Elbaf/4th RP stuff, long with Lodestar/Laugh Tale in about 4 more years (but this will be completely underestimated as usual so more like 5-7 at this point). THEN we will get to the final war, which will take as long as it needs to take being the final conflict.
Tldr: You can't just throw luffy and crew into he final war without any setup. There hasn't been any. The Journey still exists. Finding One Piece is the most important leg to that journey, but it MUST come before the Final War due to Whitebeards last words.