What has awakened that the Gorosei are talking about?

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*화 1037: "슈론 핫케"

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* 마지막에 롭 루치 가 사카즈키 와 이야기하고 함대 제독이 말합니다, 이 상황을 해결하기 위해 보르살리노 를 보냈어야 했습니다.
lol you really create new account only posting fake spoiler. :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

Some people is really weird.
From Redon:

- As Luffy's Kong Gun and Kaido's club clash, Kaido's club starts breaking apart, only for it to reveal a sword hiding inside his club. Kaido turns out to be a swordsman.

- Flashback of Kaido starts. He swears to his best friend that one day, he shall become the world's strongest swordsman. Flashback ends

- In an epic double spread, Kaido is engulfed with fire as he uses awakening, and performs an attack called Shuron Hakke with his blade"

- Break next week
Mihawk SZN


Pepebusi Spammer
From Redon:

- As Luffy's Kong Gun and Kaido's club clash, Kaido's club starts breaking apart, only for it to reveal a sword hiding inside his club. Kaido turns out to be a swordsman.

- Flashback of Kaido starts. He swears to his best friend that one day, he shall become the world's strongest swordsman. Flashback ends

- In an epic double spread, Kaido is engulfed with fire as he uses awakening, and performs an attack called Shuron Hakke with his blade"

- Break next week
close spoilers thread mods.
From Redon:

- As Luffy's Kong Gun and Kaido's club clash, Kaido's club starts breaking apart, only for it to reveal a sword hiding inside his club. Kaido turns out to be a swordsman.

- Flashback of Kaido starts. He swears to his best friend that one day, he shall become the world's strongest swordsman. Flashback ends

- In an epic double spread, Kaido is engulfed with fire as he uses awakening, and performs an attack called Shuron Hakke with his blade"

- Break next week
Damn Kaido and Shiki flashbacks going to hit hard
From Redon:

- As Luffy's Kong Gun and Kaido's club clash, Kaido's club starts breaking apart, only for it to reveal a sword hiding inside his club. Kaido turns out to be a swordsman.

- Flashback of Kaido starts. He swears to his best friend that one day, he shall become the world's strongest swordsman. Flashback ends

- In an epic double spread, Kaido is engulfed with fire as he uses awakening, and performs an attack called Shuron Hakke with his blade"

- Break next week
Seems real yeah

Pot Goblin

Nah I've been saying that Kidd gotta be KOed at some point, since 10 chapters or sumn like that, so that he can come back up and beat Linlin.
This would be the right time.
But he needs to be KOed at the entrance of Onigashima :catrude:
If I could hazard a guess, it would be because you want that giant sword at the entrance to come in play right? :kidsmile:
From Redon:

- As Luffy's Kong Gun and Kaido's club clash, Kaido's club starts breaking apart, only for it to reveal a sword hiding inside his club. Kaido turns out to be a swordsman.

- Flashback of Kaido starts. He swears to his best friend that one day, he shall become the world's strongest swordsman. Flashback ends

- In an epic double spread, Kaido is engulfed with fire as he uses awakening, and performs an attack called Shuron Hakke with his blade"

- Break next week
"In an epic double spread" bros, we're going home! :cheers:

And I notice my takes are still substantially better than most obnoxious ideas I see thrown / flaunted around on a daily basis.

I'm Asperger's and my intelligence probably allowed me to go on without the necessity to read yet still gaining a good bag of knowledge. :josad:
Meanwhile, after we had already witnessed bipedal brachio-Queen and centaur Jack (in other words, their hybrids), you granted us another showing of your "good bag of knowledge" and "substantially better" takes:

Told you that Oda would not lend any calamity Hybrid or Awakening.
Maybe you are Asperger; I will assume you aren't self-diagnosed. But, you know, for my career I've happened to meet some amount of autistic people and I loathe when one of them uses their condition as an excuse for being an insufferable, narcissistic prick; which is a misassociation that crappy popular works such as Big Bang Theory like to exploit and has created an stigma affecting those in the ASD, who are now reduced to quirky geniuses.

You say "you notice" your takes are better, yet I doubt you have enough self-awareness to notice anything that isn't biased by your ego.
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