Who will be the next Strawhat

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Yea that's what I was getting at, apologies for that.
No need for apologies. I brought the point up to show that Carrot not wanting more adventures doesn't contradict anything if Oda chooses to go that route. Of course it's also possible she will change her mind. Some here (not you) have said that it makes no sense for Carrot to not want to continue adventuring with the strawhats. I was mainly disputing that.
I think there's another way Peros' words can be interperated. Although often a villain's taunts are proven wrong, sometimes they are painfully accurate, causing a crisis for the hero that leads to character growth. The hero then has to change something about themself before they can prove themself. That could easily be what is happening here.

Carrot has had a very carefree attitude, thinking she can handle whatever happens without preparing. This ultimately lead to her extremely embarrasing defeat by perospero. Was he right that she's not ready for the new world? Honestly, yes I think so. She rushed into a fight with an opponent clearly way out of her league and got her ass kicked. She has a lot to learn, and she needs to get stronger.

I think an outcome where she decides to go back to zou to train in order to be strong enough to help when the time comes to bring the dawn (the final war) would be a perfectly reasonable conclusion to her character arc. Then when the minks show up to fight the world government she will have her moment to shine.

There's nothing stating she still wants to go on adventures. In fact she only packed food for a day when she left because she thought she would be home the next morning. Returning to Zou to train, similar to what the strawhats did before entering the new world, contradicts nothing about her character, resolves her arc and perospero's words without requiring a hypothetical giant villain that's personal to Carrot or some other wishfull thinking, and explains why she would be left on the sidelines for so long (she was meant to seem useless to justify character growth).

Imo this makes much more sense than Carrot getting another Wano fight when Neko just told her not to go su long, having elbaf be a Carrot centric arc when it should be an Ussop centric arc, and leaving the newest strawhat completely benched for the longest arc in the series just for the surprise factor.

I will have to dsagree with that. Carrot not wanting more adventure would go against her entire characterization.

i once took the example of a kid on a roller coaster. Carrot is the same. Time and time again even after Pedro's death, she has been depicted has having litteraly the time of her life while riding with the strawhats. Hence.. Carrot's wonder theme.

This is not just a simple trait of character you can simply get rid of because of a defeat, this is what the character of Carrot has been constructed around. Without it, the character crumble.


That's for the character. Now about a potential change of thoughts.

It's possible for Carrot to have grown because of her defeat with Perospero, but it is very unlikely to be a development about going back to Zou to train

- First for the reason I mentionned above.
- Then because the defeat against Perospero was not due to a lack of strenght but a lack of luck. It was clearly mentionnend by Perospero himself. Even if Carrot will have to get stronger, this is similar to all the protagonist.
- Because the inner conflict of Carrot doesn't revolves around strenght, but - like I said earlier - naivety regarding the see.

Going back to Zou would contradict all of that. Not only it would prove Perospero to be true as a bad guy but it would negate Carrot's entire characterization and journey until now.

And to come back to my metaphor of the kid.

You don't say to a kid to come back home after this one just experienced a glimps of the fun of a roller coaster. If the kid as the choice, trust me, he won't listen to you. And that's what Carrot will do. Her defeat as shown in those chapter didn't negate her cahracterization, as Pedro's death didn't negate her enjoyment for the sea.

Perospero is therefore wrong by essence. Carrot's place is not on Zou. The only thing we need, is for Carrot to understand that.

Carrot do has a lot to learn. But the way is not a way backward.. Remember Pedro's words: "You have to move forward"

In only a few month, Carrot's idea of the sea was completely transformed. She learned more in 2 month about life that she did in 15 years on Zou. That's why Carrot's place, is and will ever be.. with the strawhats.
@Pot Goblin

You are a good Carrot fan. I start to not hate Carrot anymore thanks to you!
This... @Pot Goblin outputs make me appreciate Carrot, and even Caribou indirectly, more as characters... I mean, I'm more convinced now that these 2 characters do have their own motives for them to be part of select allies who will be seen with potential developments towards the final war and should be taken more seriously as how we do with the likes of Tashigi, Ghin, Wyper, Paulie, Koala and Kyros...
Carrot has definitely suffered from having completely delusional fans.

Like, I’m sure if I read this series and never actually spoke to anyone about it, I would probably just consider Carrot to be:

-a fun part of Zou and WCI
-completely bungled in Wano

And not really worth any further thought.

In this hypothetical timeline I’m probably quite pissed at Oda dropping the ball so badly with Carrot on Wano, but in real life it’s just so funny because od the ones who want her to be a Strawhat.
@Pot Goblin


Where would you place Carrot in terms of strength in the crew? Make a ranking for all crew members + Carrot please
In One Piece, every fight depend on a context so it's hard to say:

I would say that Carrot is superior to Nami and Usopp clearly, I would even throw Brook in the mix here.. That's without thinking.

Now. Carrot in base form is clearly stronger that Chopper and Robin in base too but it's more debatable in transformed form..

Would the Sulong be able to beat Chopper's monster form? Hard so say... One thing for sure.. Carrot wouldn't take any damage because of her crazy speed, she would therefore need to find a way to put down the beast.. with enough time I think it's possible as Carrot's cleverness seems increased by her Sulong but it depends on the context.

For Robin however, I think the electro might play a huge part. Of course Robin could easily catch Carrot, but would she be able to wistand the Sulong Electro ? Debatable..

So for those two I would put Carrot in a slight disavantage, but with a good context, she could beat them.

Now comes Franky. In base form I thing it would be quite a brawl but Carrot has her chances.. Now against the Shogun, it's another story.. Here, the power and speed wouldn't make a huge difference, Carrot would be at a diadvantage.. BUT their is the Electro and Franky is a cyborg. A powerful lighting attack like Electrical Luna but version Sulong could be able to short circuit the Shogun and immobilize him putting Franky at a disadvantage and making him get out.. Carrot would only need to put him down with Sulong.

I think that Carrot could actually be able to wear out Jinbe in Sulong at the condition that the moon's stay up and that she doesn't get touched to much. Jinbe is quite slow, but he has a huge strenght.. But him attacking with Water, would be at the advantage of Carrot.

So here.. I would say that it's equal with a disadvadvantage for Franky and Jinbe in a good context for Carrot.

Sanji being unable to touch a woman, he would stand still while Carrot beat him up.. so I would say that after 15 minutes or so of pure electro attacks.. Sanji would be obliterate

Carrot really has no chances against the power duo

Here the final Ranking: (take note that it would be different for another Character)

-------- Are easy fight for Carrot

-------- Would need a good context (I would place Carrot around here for her ranking)


-------- Carrot would need a big chunk of luck but it's still possible

-------- Carrot has no chances against them.
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Now I'm waiting for the cries of terror in front of my post lol
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I will have to dsagree with that. Carrot not wanting more adventure would go against her entire characterization.

i once took the example of a kid on a roller coaster. Carrot is the same. Time and time again even after Pedro's death, she has been depicted has having litteraly the time of her life while riding with the strawhats. Hence.. Carrot's wonder theme.

This is not just a simple trait of character you can simply get rid of because of a defeat, this is what the character of Carrot has been constructed around. Without it, the character crumble.


That's for the character. Now about a potential change of thoughts.

It's possible for Carrot to have grown because of her defeat with Perospero, but it is very unlikely to be a development about going back to Zou to train

- First for the reason I mentionned above.
- Then because the defeat against Perospero was not due to a lack of strenght but a lack of luck. It was clearly mentionnend by Perospero himself. Even if Carrot will have to get stronger, this is similar to all the protagonist.
- Because the inner conflict of Carrot doesn't revolves around strenght, but - like I said earlier - naivety regarding the see.

Going back to Zou would contradict all of that. Not only it would prove Perospero to be true as a bad guy but it would negate Carrot's entire characterization and journey until now.

And to come back to my metaphor of the kid.

You don't say to a kid to come back home after this one just experienced a glimps of the fun of a roller coaster. If the kid as the choice, trust me, he won't listen to you. And that's what Carrot will do. Her defeat as shown in those chapter didn't negate her cahracterization, as Pedro's death didn't negate her enjoyment for the sea.

Perospero is therefore wrong by essence. Carrot's place is not on Zou. The only thing we need, is for Carrot to understand that.

Carrot do has a lot to learn. But the way is not a way backward.. Remember Pedro's words: "You have to move forward"

In only a few month, Carrot's idea of the sea was completely transformed. She learned more in 2 month about life that she did in 15 years on Zou. That's why Carrot's place, is and will ever be.. with the strawhats.
I haven't had the energy for walls of text lately, but I haven't forgotten about this conversation. I'll respond at some point.
In One Piece, every fight depend on a context so it's hard to say:

I would say that Carrot is superior to Nami and Usopp clearly, I would even throw Brook in the mix here.. That's without thinking.

Now. Carrot in base form is clearly stronger that Chopper and Robin in base too but it's more debatable in transformed form..

Would the Sulong be able to beat Chopper's monster form? Hard so say... One thing for sure.. Carrot wouldn't take any damage because of her crazy speed, she would therefore need to find a way to put down the beast.. with enough time I think it's possible as Carrot's cleverness seems increased by her Sulong but it depends on the context.

For Robin however, I think the electro might play a huge part. Of course Robin could easily catch Carrot, but would she be able to wistand the Sulong Electro ? Debatable..

So for those two I would put Carrot in a slight disavantage, but with a good context, she could beat them.

Now comes Franky. In base form I thing it would be quite a brawl but Carrot has her chances.. Now against the Shogun, it's another story.. Here, the power and speed wouldn't make a huge difference, Carrot would be at a diadvantage.. BUT their is the Electro and Franky is a cyborg. A powerful lighting attack like Electrical Luna but version Sulong could be able to short circuit the Shogun and immobilize him putting Franky at a disadvantage and making him get out.. Carrot would only need to put him down with Sulong.

I think that Carrot could actually be able to wear out Jinbe in Sulong at the condition that the moon's stay up and that she doesn't get touched to much. Jinbe is quite slow, but he has a huge strenght.. But him attacking with Water, would be at the advantage of Carrot.

So here.. I would say that it's equal with a disadvadvantage for Franky and Jinbe in a good context for Carrot.

Sanji being unable to touch a woman, he would stand still while Carrot beat him up.. so I would say that after 15 minutes or so of pure electro attacks.. Sanji would be obliterate

Carrot really has no chances against the power duo

Here the final Ranking: (take note that it would be different for another Character)

-------- Are easy fight for Carrot

-------- Would need a good context (I would place Carrot around here for her ranking)


-------- Carrot would need a big chunk of luck but it's still possible

-------- Carrot has no chances against them.
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Now I'm waiting for the cries of terror in front of my post lol
Carrot probably low diffs Nami and Ussop and beats chopper with less ease. Imo Brook has an advantage because he resists electricity, and Carrot doesn't have anywhere close to enough physical attack power to finish him (being semi immortal and able to resummon his bones). Addutionally, he's one of the few strawhats fast enough to keep up with her, and he can slow her with Ice. I'd say she's around Brook's level, but it's a bad matchup for her.

Robin doesn't need to resist electro. One demonio attack and Carrot is done. That's over fast.

Franky is the only mid trio she might beat. He's far stronger than her, but once again, bad matchup. I agree that she could probably short ciruit the general.

Jinbei vs Carrot would be like Luffy vs Ussop. This man tanked attacks from yonkos and admirals. No way does Carrot have enough power to so much as scratch him. Jinbei isn't actually that slow, as is frequently pointed out, and he has huge AOE attacks, not just with water. Neg diff in 5 seconds or less. Any higher difficulty is nothing but bias.

Yeah, Sanji can't fight back, but he also broke a yonko commander's sword with his unguarded neck. Imo Carrot wails on him until she tires herself out. Alternatively he can just fly out of her reach.

Not going to bother with Luffy and Zoro.
I like Carrot and think she would bring some unique elements to the Straw Hats. That said, I think Yamato adds significantly more:

Abilities, as she is probably stronger than Zoro.
Storyline-wise with the parallel to Oden and the connection with the samurai.
She NEEDS to experience freedom. She has been trapped her entire life.
As an Oni she might have innate abilities that might assist with Elbaf.
Carrot probably low diffs Nami and Ussop and beats chopper with less ease. Imo Brook has an advantage because he resists electricity, and Carrot doesn't have anywhere close to enough physical attack power to finish him (being semi immortal and able to resummon his bones). Addutionally, he's one of the few strawhats fast enough to keep up with her, and he can slow her with Ice. I'd say she's around Brook's level, but it's a bad matchup for her.

Robin doesn't need to resist electro. One demonio attack and Carrot is done. That's over fast.

Franky is the only mid trio she might beat. He's far stronger than her, but once again, bad matchup. I agree that she could probably short ciruit the general.

Jinbei vs Carrot would be like Luffy vs Ussop. This man tanked attacks from yonkos and admirals. No way does Carrot have enough power to so much as scratch him. Jinbei isn't actually that slow, as is frequently pointed out, and he has huge AOE attacks, not just with water. Neg diff in 5 seconds or less. Any higher difficulty is nothing but bias.

Yeah, Sanji can't fight back, but he also broke a yonko commander's sword with his unguarded neck. Imo Carrot wails on him until she tires herself out. Alternatively he can just fly out of her reach.

Not going to bother with Luffy and Zoro.
Brook wouldn't be able to do anything against the power of Sulong even with his immunity against electricity, Carrot is just too strong. One thing to note about Brook is that is is fast on short distance that's why he always attack in one swoop.

Same with Robin.. That's wouldn't be over fast at all against Carrot. Remember Sulong Carrot's outspeed anyone (beside maybe Sanji), don't forget that,; plus Carrot is a brawler, that type of attack would only be fatal by the numbers. That's why Carrot, even if it's difficult, would have a shot against Robin.

For Jinbe.. Again.. Speed. Jinbe can't keep up with Carrot's speed. If he is unable to hit or grab her (Electro), he would be unable to bit Carrot. Of course, one or two strong hit would be very dangerous for Carrot (and even tho I'm not so sure with Sulong), but the moment Carrot outspeed Jinbe, Carrot has complete free room over him. That's why, with a good context ( a complete and continued Full moon) Carrot do as a shot against Jinbe. It would be a very long fight, but not impossible.

Concerning Sanji, it's just a question of time. It could be 1h, 5hours or a entire day, Carrot would still have the shot.

We must never forget the context in the match up and every bit of capacities of the cahracters.. that's why Usopp can beat Perona but noone else (even Luffy)

I like Carrot and think she would bring some unique elements to the Straw Hats. That said, I think Yamato adds significantly more:

Abilities, as she is probably stronger than Zoro.
Storyline-wise with the parallel to Oden and the connection with the samurai.
She NEEDS to experience freedom. She has been trapped her entire life.
As an Oni she might have innate abilities that might assist with Elbaf.
That's something I talked about earlier. Yamato's shot in term of Narration is now. Her potential will only be flesh out now, not later as it would be a redondance.

Yamato don't need the sea to experience Freedom, she only needs to get rid of her dad.
Brook wouldn't be able to do anything against the power of Sulong even with his immunity against electricity, Carrot is just too strong. One thing to note about Brook is that is is fast on short distance that's why he always attack in one swoop.

Same with Robin.. That's wouldn't be over fast at all against Carrot. Remember Sulong Carrot's outspeed anyone (beside maybe Sanji), don't forget that,; plus Carrot is a brawler, that type of attack would only be fatal by the numbers. That's why Carrot, even if it's difficult, would have a shot against Robin.

For Jinbe.. Again.. Speed. Jinbe can't keep up with Carrot's speed. If he is unable to hit or grab her (Electro), he would be unable to bit Carrot. Of course, one or two strong hit would be very dangerous for Carrot (and even tho I'm not so sure with Sulong), but the moment Carrot outspeed Jinbe, Carrot has complete free room over him. That's why, with a good context ( a complete and continued Full moon) Carrot do as a shot against Jinbe. It would be a very long fight, but not impossible.

Concerning Sanji, it's just a question of time. It could be 1h, 5hours or a entire day, Carrot would still have the shot.

We must never forget the context in the match up and every bit of capacities of the cahracters.. that's why Usopp can beat Perona but noone else (even Luffy)

That's something I talked about earlier. Yamato's shot in term of Narration is now. Her potential will only be flesh out now, not later as it would be a redondance.

Yamato don't need the sea to experience Freedom, she only needs to get rid of her dad.
But she wants to see the world, not stay forever in Wano. I don’t have the quote/chapter with her statement. I can’t back my hazy memory up with citations.
But she wants to see the world, not stay forever in Wano. I don’t have the quote/chapter with her statement. I can’t back my hazy memory up with citations.
Chapter 999 is what you're looking for,

The core of her motivation is here in the flashback with Ace. It's why even if in the case she does not join the Straw Hats her future should include something to do with adventuring the seas.
But she wants to see the world, not stay forever in Wano. I don’t have the quote/chapter with her statement. I can’t back my hazy memory up with citations.
Technically, Yamato only wants to sail the sea because she sees that actions as being free. What Yamato wants is foremost an adventure and being as free as Oden.

One of the message of One Piece is that life itself is an adventure.. This is something that can be done indeed on the seas.. but also on the land..
Technically, Yamato only wants to sail the sea because she sees that actions as being free. What Yamato wants is foremost an adventure and being as free as Oden.

One of the message of One Piece is that life itself is an adventure. This is something that can be done indeed on the seas.. but also on the land..

I personally don't think it's farfetched for Yamato to actually have that passion to sail the seas outside of her love of Oden's freedom. I think that no matter what Yamato's future is she should fulfill her dream of adventuring the world. If she ends up with her own crew of allied Beast Pirates, Samurai, and potentially Minks she can be a guardian of Wano at the same time as well since she knows how to make Vivre cards as she made Ace's.

To say that she might change her mind with sailing with Luffy to help Wano is one thing, to say that she'll drop her dreams of sailing almost completely might be a step too far.

Images came from chapters 823 and 999.

I personally don't think it's farfetched for Yamato to actually have that passion to sail the seas outside of her love of Oden's freedom. I think that no matter what Yamato's future is she should fulfill her dream of adventuring the world. If she ends up with her own crew of allied Beast Pirates, Samurai, and potentially Minks she can be a guardian of Wano at the same time as well since she knows how to make Vivre cards as she made Ace's.

To say that she might change her mind with sailing with Luffy to help Wano is one thing, to say that she'll drop her dreams of sailing almost completely might be a step too far.

Images came from chapters 823 and 999.
I don't throw that possibility, it's completely possible.. just that for now, that "wonder for the sea" What Carrot is characterized with for example, is not that developped with Yamato beside this panel. Yamato is more enthousiast about the possible encounter she could make during her adventure.

Therefore I'll stay cautious about that possibility. Now, until the last few chapters there was no hint that Yamato could end up with a loyal crew.. but her encounter with Fuga shown that Yamato had ties even in her Dad's army, and that those friendship were strong enough to overpower her Dad's influence.

That's why I agree now.. a crew with Yamato as captain ould be possible.

Also I want to note something that I think a lot of people are forgetting.

At the end of wano.. either the alliance is beaten, either Big Mom and Kaido are BOTH technically defeated. This is taking us back to a tweet a made a long time ago about the Big Mom's pirates:

And.. this leads me to one of the most important narrative parralel of the entire Yonko Saga:

I've spoke about this before: If you look closely to the whole Yonko Saga.. you will notice a specific theme pop out: Families: the relationship between a parent and a child. You will find this theme milked from Zou, all the way to the last chapter of Wano if Oda stays consistant. With that theme, Oda created a lot of beautiful stories : Sanji and the relationship to his dad and family, Pudding and her mother, Oden and his children, The nine Scabbard and Oden.. all the way to the alliance of the Big Mom pirate and the Beast pirates which narratively represent the "alliance" between a father and a mother"..

But among all those stories, there are two specific characters that are popping out, not only by their relationship to the specific theme quoted earlier, but by their relationship and place in the narration.

Katakuri & Yamato, two childrens, product of an abusive relationship and placed specifically in the pass of Luffy.

Those two are similar until their very place into the story. Indeed, both character are introduced strangely late, right along the midpoint of the second act of the story. On the same principle, their strenght is directly presented. Those two parameters puts them directly at an advantage in the mind of the readers making them "pop out" out of all the others great yet numbered characters.

Remember your first impression of Katakuri.. and Yamato.. Strangely similar isn't it?

That's logical, both character are incarnating the failed result of a bad choice of parenting.. but most of all.. they are both representing Hype and Hope.

While there might be strong commanders in both crew.. Both the Big Mom pirates and the Beast Pirate are looking up to Katakuri and Yamato respectively.

There are reason to believe that with Kaido being defeated.. the flying six will implode (if they are not arrested before that) those are free spirits, without Kaido, those spirits will flee the F*** out. Which will leave on Kaido's side, the entire army AND some of the numbers. With the army under the influence of Tama and Yamato having a great deal of influence over them.. Yamato would be the logical heir to the responsibility over the beast Pirates.

On Big Mom's side on the other end, a defeat would mean a great deal for the families and surely a sission between Perospero/Smoothie and the others. Plus, there are reasons to believe that without Big Mom, Katakuri will inherite the responsibility of the Big Mom pirates.

This would leave us with two childs a boy and a girl.. transformed by Luffy's action.. ending up with the responsibility of the two biggest armies of the new world.

So.. when you ask me if Yamato will join Luffy on his ship.. I'm fairly cautious.. but one thing I'm sure of, is that she will have a future in Wano..

Note that this doesn't negate the possibility of seeing Yamato and Katakuri show up at the very end of the story.. for the big battle.
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