What has awakened that the Gorosei are talking about?

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Luffy vs Kaido seems progressing really well. Really like Kaido’s different drunken style modes lol. Luffy will be really confused seeing all that. Looking forward to see that as panels.

Gorosei part is very interesting. Most probably the fruit they are talking about is Tama’s fruit? Zunisha is here finally to ravage WG’s ships and help Momo to carry of Onigashima back to the sea!

Wano is really coming to a close now i think. Hopefully we see more epic stuff between Luffy and Kaido before the arc ends
Luffy will use g4 and dominate but kaido will keep up...
I expect bare hands kaido punching back

Base luffy (no g2/g3) matches base Doffy then overwhelms him with G4 even when Doffy uses Awakening
Base Luffy outclassed by Base Kata but then used G4 to match him
It's different here vs Kaido where base Luffy has been G2/G3 to keep up & still getting bested a bit.
This is why kaido won't lose like fodder to new G4 like Doffy lost but will also not match Luffy's new form like kata did at this rate.

G4 vs enemies 1v1 :
New g4 vs kaido will be High diff
Snakeman vs kata was extremely diff
Boundman vs Doffy was mid diff
Tankman vs Cracker was no diff
Fighting adv CoC Kaido while he didn't know how to use it properly is more fatiguing for Luffy than fighting the scabbards is fatiguing for Kaido, furthermore Luffy has been knocked out twice before the final round, while Kaido has not been knocked out once, and has a mythical Zoan to rely on.
You need a 90+IQ to understand this, so you may be under qualified.


Zoro Worshipper
TB won't land again
That's his real finisher
Oda made Luffy tank random this chapter yet can't have luffy tank TB that hits the head.

Oda will always make Luffy dodge it

Gorosei are chosen...
Imu is the oldest Gorosei which was elected as Rule of the world hundreds years ago

Joyboy is a kingly title for D. Clan
Only Ds Can be Joyboy
Joyboy himself the first was King because his family was the head of D. Clan back then in void century
Shuron Hakke is likely weaker and less fast than Thunder Bagua, I would concur on that.
why you are so salty. Even if kaido said this being serious 1v1 fighting him.
Did you lack the ability to read or something? How am I salty? Is kaido in pinch? Yes. But is that because as confirmed by yamato he has been gotten weakened? Also yes. So how does that statement contradict kaido having fun 1v1. He has never been this weakened to remotely enjoy a 1v1. On top of all of this kaido still has his concentration split holding up the island by the way. So no being salty ain't it bub
You could have stopped after the first three words, because you don't know jackshit, mate. :milaugh:
Kaido fought so far in a serious battle:
9Scabbards+5Supernova+Luffy alone+Yamato alone+again Luffy and Momo for hours. He took so many attacks, fighting non stop, Luffy was defeated two times already. In the firsttime when Boundman fall off and Dragon Kaido eat him(saved by Zoro), second time when he got knocked out from the island even thought got adv CoC as powerup only to eat food and comeback.

Luffy got knocked out twice, he only face Kaido while Kaido non stop eating attacks from 16 different people, let be fair. I understand the hype for Luffy and he really doing great job, but Kaido is so far better in terms of feats, I doubt that Luffy would be up after facing Kaido,9Scabbards,Yamato,4 Supernova and eating lot of attacks.

Current Luffy is for sure a mid top tier and pretty op, he will also soon show a new powerup, makes him a admiral lvl character. But let not forget the fact that Kaido is several injuried after facing sooo many characters...


Zoro Worshipper
Drunk style Kaido
Donut style Katakuri

:steef: Kaido's haki still > Luffy's
Same way Katakuri haki was still > Luffy's at WCI

:kata: Luffy being hyped again by Kaido as someone strong. Kaido fighting him seriously
Luffy> Kidd, Law, Yamato > others

:goyea: Luffy dodges TB again
Kaido became unpredictable while drunk but luffy can keep up

:moonwalk: RIP WG fleets
Zunisha will destroy half of them

The df is probably Luffy's or Kaido's
You think Zunisha is that powerful? :choppawhat:
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