Current Events Wano is disasterclass

Zoro lived up to the hype? Oh please. Zoro said he would round up some samurai. He did not. Zoro said he would avenge yasue death... he did not. Zoro's ambition was overtaken by hiyori. Zoro said he would cut kaido to pieces... he did not. Zoro failed.
In terms of rounding up the samurai thats true. But then again prefer how Oda characterize Zoro as a wandering ronin in act 2 as it was the first we see of him getting his own self contain story of traversing wano, building up relationships thats the core to his motivation for the rest of the arc and ended with him getting emna for his deeds. Makes it more personal that way. As for him avenging Yasu and taking on Kaido go hand in hand

so Hiyori taking on Orochi does less to detract Zoros character and role in the arc and instead enhances another who has closer ties with Orochi.
Zoro fought King who did nothing for his character as a swordsman or as a fighter. King did not have conquerors haki or awakening.King did not have a notable sword. King only served to be enma's test dummy. King V Zoro was like Pica V Zoro. Not once was king shown to truly be dignant to fight zoro. Do not forget that zoro was under a drug when he fought king and was beat up before. King overrall is a joke and it was oda's way of saying zoro will never be better than luffy. Even King's backstory was a shot taken at Zoro and how luffy will be over Zoro which does not make any sense
Learning his past connection with enma, mastering it, infusing conquerors with his sword style and defeating a YC did nothing for him as a swordsman??? All because King didn't have CoC or awakening? Did Kaku needed a grade sword to pose a threat towards Zoro in his fight or for that fight to even be good? King was still a treat due to his Lunarian abilities that Zoro despite being able to utilize conquerors still needed to strategize against it and couldn't do much without exploiting that weakness. Funny you mention Zoro taking orders from Law when it was the exact opposite on the rooftop. As for Luffy being over Zoro other than Luffy being the MC even Mihawk the WSS believes being KotP is a title greater than his. Still it doesn't stop Zoro from pulling his own weight into becoming a strong swordsmen in the end and help contribute to protecting Luffy up on the roof top. Leading to the biggest elephant in the room.
But look at what zoro did in wano now? Nothing notable. Zoro is a failed ronin and a failed bushido.

This is what I meant when I said that Zoro lived up to the hype in this arc because the one thing people yearned for the most in wano was to see Zoro duke it out against a yonko. Whether ZKK happens or not, this on its own is a good way to pay off all three of those plot points you noted.
Queen could use germa tech without any problem but usopp franky and if you couple in chopper who are 3 scientists together could not figure out how to use it.
Queen was a literal cyborg at that point who worked with Judge alongside Vegapunk to understand the science and had decades to fix any hiccups. Plus Queen was also making a point about how his science is superior to Judge which is why he wanted Sanji to put on the RS to prove it, so him not having any problems with utilizing the tech is probably what he meant.
Dang you really can not see how oda has destroyed chopper huh?
Other than kungfu point which is a redundant form, at worse hes merely underutilized which you can say for most strawhats but when he is used you can see a substantial growth in his demeanor. Hes more dependent and despite still being afraid will take on challenges way out of his league when push comes to shove than ever before. Many argue that his medical skills get outshined by Law but I argue it shows that even someone as dedicated as chopper still has his limits and isn't the center of the world when it comes to being a doctor. Outside of the ice oni subplot he does plenty of crazy shit in WCI.
Look dude I am grateful and thank oda for everything impactful that he did. One piece's good moments will forever be with me. However do you go and watch people's in the wheelchair basketball? If oda could not carry anymore then maybe he needs to stop and hand it over to other people. Why should I pretend enjoy something i do not enjoy because the author is a drawing addict and can not let go of the series which made him famous in consequence drags it out as long as he can to feel validated by others? Wasn't kishimoto shamed by others over naruto? Why should oda be different?
Not saying you need to jerk the man off or pretend to be impressed with his resolve to still make the series. I just find it a stretch to argue these decisions are done merely for money or his fame. You can still have passion for your writing and still hit a bump in the road and write yourself into a corner. You wont be able to pick up all the pieces you dropped but you simply move forward correcting your mistakes next time. It was gonna be hard for Oda to do that regardless since he has been one of the top sellers for years and many critiques and expectations was going to be tough to keep track of.
You think the solution would be to just find someone abled to continue the work but I asked you this. Would you read berserk if it continued being made by someone else? Personally not really because its no longer being made by the guy who put the series on the map in the first place making the journey to completion feel shallow. This sends the message that even creators themselves are disposable when fail to meet standards and that's when the product truly becomes corporate. This is speaking from how western comic creators are treated since as early as batman and superman's inception, the true creators were treated like dirt while the higher ups were too busy trying to make it nothing more than a commerical product. There are flaws with OP but I rather see Oda himself solve it with help from his editors as best as they can. And I do believe oda isnt trying to drag on purpose, just wants to make the most of what hes got.
People made fun of Naruto the series but I rarely see people go after Kishimoto himself and call out whether his heart was in or not even during the height of its popularity. And why should they? He was only making the best of his decision for a weekly story he didn't anticipate would be as big as it was. Shouldn't stop people from critiquing his works but it does devolve into entitlement when calling out ones work ethic/passion for the most taxing job a writer or artist can do.
Sorry this is long
In terms of rounding up the samurai thats true. But then again prefer how Oda characterize Zoro as a wandering ronin in act 2 as it was the first we see of him getting his own self contain story of traversing wano, building up relationships thats the core to his motivation for the rest of the arc and ended with him getting emna for his deeds. Makes it more personal that way. As for him avenging Yasu and taking on Kaido go hand in hand

so Hiyori taking on Orochi does less to detract Zoros character and role in the arc and instead enhances another who has closer ties with Orochi.

Learning his past connection with enma, mastering it, infusing conquerors with his sword style and defeating a YC did nothing for him as a swordsman??? All because King didn't have CoC or awakening? Did Kaku needed a grade sword to pose a threat towards Zoro in his fight or for that fight to even be good? King was still a treat due to his Lunarian abilities that Zoro despite being able to utilize conquerors still needed to strategize against it and couldn't do much without exploiting that weakness. Funny you mention Zoro taking orders from Law when it was the exact opposite on the rooftop. As for Luffy being over Zoro other than Luffy being the MC even Mihawk the WSS believes being KotP is a title greater than his. Still it doesn't stop Zoro from pulling his own weight into becoming a strong swordsmen in the end and help contribute to protecting Luffy up on the roof top. Leading to the biggest elephant in the room.


This is what I meant when I said that Zoro lived up to the hype in this arc because the one thing people yearned for the most in wano was to see Zoro duke it out against a yonko. Whether ZKK happens or not, this on its own is a good way to pay off all three of those plot points you noted.

Queen was a literal cyborg at that point who worked with Judge alongside Vegapunk to understand the science and had decades to fix any hiccups. Plus Queen was also making a point about how his science is superior to Judge which is why he wanted Sanji to put on the RS to prove it, so him not having any problems with utilizing the tech is probably what he meant.

Other than kungfu point which is a redundant form, at worse hes merely underutilized which you can say for most strawhats but when he is used you can see a substantial growth in his demeanor. Hes more dependent and despite still being afraid will take on challenges way out of his league when push comes to shove than ever before. Many argue that his medical skills get outshined by Law but I argue it shows that even someone as dedicated as chopper still has his limits and isn't the center of the world when it comes to being a doctor. Outside of the ice oni subplot he does plenty of crazy shit in WCI.

Not saying you need to jerk the man off or pretend to be impressed with his resolve to still make the series. I just find it a stretch to argue these decisions are done merely for money or his fame. You can still have passion for your writing and still hit a bump in the road and write yourself into a corner. You wont be able to pick up all the pieces you dropped but you simply move forward correcting your mistakes next time. It was gonna be hard for Oda to do that regardless since he has been one of the top sellers for years and many critiques and expectations was going to be tough to keep track of.
You think the solution would be to just find someone abled to continue the work but I asked you this. Would you read berserk if it continued being made by someone else? Personally not really because its no longer being made by the guy who put the series on the map in the first place making the journey to completion feel shallow. This sends the message that even creators themselves are disposable when fail to meet standards and that's when the product truly becomes corporate. This is speaking from how western comic creators are treated since as early as batman and superman's inception, the true creators were treated like dirt while the higher ups were too busy trying to make it nothing more than a commerical product. There are flaws with OP but I rather see Oda himself solve it with help from his editors as best as they can. And I do believe oda isnt trying to drag on purpose, just wants to make the most of what hes got.
People made fun of Naruto the series but I rarely see people go after Kishimoto himself and call out whether his heart was in or not even during the height of its popularity. And why should they? He was only making the best of his decision for a weekly story he didn't anticipate would be as big as it was. Shouldn't stop people from critiquing his works but it does devolve into entitlement when calling out ones work ethic/passion for the most taxing job a writer or artist can do.
Sorry this is long
What oda characterized zoro as is irrelevant to what i said about Zoro. Zoro's character is to be a prideful man that goes after what he wants which is essentially to be the strongest. Zoro is a fighter who wants to be the strongest so i do not know how to be the strongest is literally weaker than wanting to be the pirate king when it comes to an one on one. Pirate king is a fake title that does not mean much. Finding the one piece is another thing. If anyone considered zoro vice captain then zoro has done nothing to be dignant of that title. He just blindly trusts everyone and does what he is told when half of his crewmates are there. Zoro just does not care but raises his voice when the author feels like it.

How would you feel if luffy said he wanted to beat someone and in the end he does not do it? How would you justify that? If your answer is that would not happen because luffy is the main character then you come to my point where Oda literally trashes every crew member to make luffy great. Oda did it with Sanji and now it is Zoro's turn.

If you honestly can not see how Zoro V King was the worst fight in one piece i do not know what to tell you. Literally zoro got a katana and could not manage to find out about it against kaido and big mom but did so against king. Zoro's haki and realizations about the blade bloomed with someone weaker than kaido which goes against what rayleigh said. All of it was shallow and king was underqualified. Certainly you can not be that stupid. It was pure nonstop garbage from start to finish.

Franky worked alongside the man who could have built pluton and is an amazing scientist. Franky followed vegapunks work. Chopper is an amazing chemist and has gene knowledge. Usopp too is a great scientist. Oda just forgot about that didn't he and i think so did you.

Lol cmon man chopper is everything about fanserviice now. Even his forms.

When an author overuses fanservice and sex to hide the weakpoints of his story like yamato and many other things that have happened in wano they are not writing for the story anymore. Oda is dragging one piece on purpose. If you do not want to see it that is on you.
How would you feel if luffy said he wanted to beat someone and in the end he does not do it? How would you justify that? If your answer is that would not happen because luffy is the main character then you come to my point where Oda literally trashes every crew member to make luffy great. Oda did it with Sanji and now it is Zoro's turn.
Whos to say it wouldn't happen when it ALREADY DID

No reason to justify it cause it already happened. Zoro could not continue fighting Kaido because he was incapacitated for over 10 chapters fighting him and he still manage to leave a permanent scar. The moment he did get healed up, he had to fight king cause no one else could and it was a challenge that left him passed out in the cold when he did beat him
If you honestly can not see how Zoro V King was the worst fight in one piece i do not know what to tell you. Literally zoro got a katana and could not manage to find out about it against kaido and big mom but did so against king. Zoro's haki and realizations about the blade bloomed with someone weaker than kaido which goes against what rayleigh said. All of it was shallow and king was underqualified. Certainly you can not be that stupid. It was pure nonstop garbage from start to finish.
Thats because in the King fight Enma was giving Zoro trouble as a result of Hiyori playing her shamisen.

Leading to enma consuming more haki than usual resulting in that whole chapter of Zoro learning to harness the blades will by pushing his haki usage to the edge even if it cost him his life which ties back to the time he manage to permantly scar kaido was when Luffys life was on the line and he had to push himself to the limit of his abilites.

Thats not even a simple case of haki bloom as its Zoro learning to utilize his CoC. And even then he still needed to figure out and strategizes against Kings abilities. What do you believe fights like daz bone did better than this one? Zoro literally couldn't do anything to daz bones until he figured out the breath of all things then the fight was over in an instant.
Franky worked alongside the man who could have built pluton and is an amazing scientist. Franky followed vegapunks work. Chopper is an amazing chemist and has gene knowledge. Usopp too is a great scientist. Oda just forgot about that didn't he and i think so did you.
How could Sanji have known the effects of the RS activating his germa genes beforehand he thought he never had?
When an author overuses fanservice and sex to hide the weakpoints of his story
Whos having sex???
The wano part of wano sucks a lot , onigashima part is good not taking meaningless character runnings for most part

Nami/Sanji fight could have been better but still its OK
I don't wanna sound like a One Piece hater but I agree with you to a degree. I think there has been some entertaining moments throughout the arc but it couldn't possibly overshadow the amount of PIS, plot devices, inconsistent pacing, bullshit powerups, excessive focus on irrelevant characters and wasted fights and characters.
Whos to say it wouldn't happen when it ALREADY DID

No reason to justify it cause it already happened. Zoro could not continue fighting Kaido because he was incapacitated for over 10 chapters fighting him and he still manage to leave a permanent scar. The moment he did get healed up, he had to fight king cause no one else could and it was a challenge that left him passed out in the cold when he did beat him

Thats because in the King fight Enma was giving Zoro trouble as a result of Hiyori playing her shamisen.

Leading to enma consuming more haki than usual resulting in that whole chapter of Zoro learning to harness the blades will by pushing his haki usage to the edge even if it cost him his life which ties back to the time he manage to permantly scar kaido was when Luffys life was on the line and he had to push himself to the limit of his abilites.

Thats not even a simple case of haki bloom as its Zoro learning to utilize his CoC. And even then he still needed to figure out and strategizes against Kings abilities. What do you believe fights like daz bone did better than this one? Zoro literally couldn't do anything to daz bones until he figured out the breath of all things then the fight was over in an instant.

How could Sanji have known the effects of the RS activating his germa genes beforehand he thought he never had?

Whos having sex???
Lmfaoooo. You literally brought up pre ts luffy v kuzan to make your point. Luffy knew he was too weak to compete in the new world that is why it took him 2 years to set sail again. Plus luffy never had the goal to fight kuzan. Zoro stated that he wanted to cut kaido to pieces and even started using coc haki.

Zoro's scar did nothing substantial to kaido. Kaido is still fighting like it nothing happened. If it did something it was aesthetics which we do not even get to notice lmfaooo. Zoro was just a decoy all this time.

Look dude if you can not manage to understand how uncool and plainly stupid is for Zoro not to get the full usage out of enma during a life/death situation when as per your admission the most precious thing zoro seems to have is his precious captain who was NEARLY DYING then i do not know what to tell you. All it amounted was fake tension and zoro not knowing what conquerors haki was which was the most anticlimactic thing i read in wano up to that point. Then Zoro V King happened. Zoro always seemed to have trouble with enma and Zoro even stated that enma could have killed him. Wouldn't it be more reasonable for enma to be more likely to kill zoro when he gave his all against kaido? This is a bunch of insignificant idiotic stuff and you just do not want to admit it.

Oh the glorious zoro v king the fight where zoro might have died because he could not hurt king because of king's race but hurts king anyway even if he does not know king's race beforehand. Absolutely freaking garbage fake tension irrelevance.

LMFAO you used the events nonchronoligicaly. You made it seem like zoro learned from king to hit kaido. What a pitiful thing to do.

It's really not that hard to see how shallow the enma powerup has been. Enma was a praise to oden most of all and had little to do with zoro's fortitude. Zoro had a sword like shusui who literally was wielded by a swordgod and it looks cheap in comparasion to enma when it should not be like that. Zoro has been a total let down and has done almost nothing of notability in terms of swordsmanship in terms of enemies fought etc. It is still luffy's show and other characters do not matter. All it matters is for oda to enlogate this stupid arc so he can make profit. "Zoro got trouble from a sword because someone else was playing an instrument." Go tell that to any non one piece fan and see how they react. Absolutely shambolic can not believe you are actually defending this stupidity.

The scientists of the strawhats did nothing about the suit which is the authors fault. Stop dragging this nonsense.

Oda is using fanservice. It is not that hard to notice.

P.S: Sorry for my bad english
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Wano isnt even so bad,but honestly with all the post-timeskip sagas execpt Punk Hazard i had the same reaction: in the beginning there is enthusiasm,etc. then at some point,1 year passes,2 years passes,3 years passes,and we're still in that same arc. There are many breaks,many filler chapters,etc. and you arrive in the end where you just dont care anymore! You just want the arc to end. This happened to me with FI,with DR,with WCI and also now with Wano. The pacing is a big flaw in One Piece. Now we are going to the final part,and thats great,i have hype for this,but i'm sure that if this final part would have arrived in 2020 instead of 2022,the hype would have been even bigger. Or there would have been only hype. Now instead there is hype but there is also some trust issues towards Oda where before i read a spoiler i say "please dont be a filler chapter please dont be a filler chapter,Oda hurry up already!" so this kinda penalize One Piece in a way.
Wano isnt even so bad,but honestly with all the post-timeskip sagas execpt Punk Hazard i had the same reaction: in the beginning there is enthusiasm,etc. then at some point,1 year passes,2 years passes,3 years passes,and we're still in that same arc. There are many breaks,many filler chapters,etc. and you arrive in the end where you just dont care anymore! You just want the arc to end. This happened to me with FI,with DR,with WCI and also now with Wano. The pacing is a big flaw in One Piece. Now we are going to the final part,and thats great,i have hype for this,but i'm sure that if this final part would have arrived in 2020 instead of 2022,the hype would have been even bigger. Or there would have been only hype. Now instead there is hype but there is also some trust issues towards Oda where before i read a spoiler i say "please dont be a filler chapter please dont be a filler chapter,Oda hurry up already!" so this kinda penalize One Piece in a way.
And then there are people who say there is nothing filler when it comes to Manga. Fillers are only in Anime.

People hate Naruto and Bleach for having fillers in Anime. OP is even worse, because Anime pacing is horrible, and the manga itself is full of fillers (filler charactets, moments, plots, and whatnot).
And then there are people who say there is nothing filler when it comes to Manga. Fillers are only in Anime.

People hate Naruto and Bleach for having fillers in Anime. OP is even worse, because Anime pacing is horrible, and the manga itself is full of fillers (filler charactets, moments, plots, and whatnot).
One Piece's world building has become a joke. It's too convoluted. Wano has done irrepairable damage to the series. I haven't read Fairy Tail but i've heard that people gave up on it when the main character beat the main villain just because he was the mc. Luffy is basically doing the same thing but worse and people are glorifying it like..... WTF :whitepress:


Zoro Worshipper
One Piece's world building has become a joke. It's too convoluted. Wano has done irrepairable damage to the series. I haven't read Fairy Tail but i've heard that people gave up on it when the main character beat the main villain just because he was the mc. Luffy is basically doing the same thing but worse and people are glorifying it like..... WTF :whitepress:
If there's one thing I didn't enjoy about Wano was the overexertion of complexity when all considered most content involving the particular local areas of the country alongside their side characters could be replaced by adding more deepth into some fights like Jack vs Inu as well as adding more on King's and Kaido's past. My personal opinion.
Wano is disasterclass
Wano is a disasterpiece
Wano is Woe Tale.

Greetings I am Pooth(Ficticious name btw). I have been a one piece fan for about 9 years now. My favourite one piece arcs are alabasta and water 7-enies lobby.

In my opinion wano is the worst most shambolic arc i have read week to week. Wano has destroyed everything i loved about one piece such as crew dynamics meaningful character development and a good story. Wano has destroyed everything great about one piece for me in exchange for fanservice , overload of meaningless characters that are soley made for merchandize and surface shallow stories. I can go on and on about how wano just cripples any one piece fan that did not start reading after naruto ended but that would be too long.

Thanks for reading. Have fun y'all!
Please let me sign that

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Problem with Wano or postskip as a whole is that there are way more side characters and subplots at the expense of the SHs and main plot line. Despite the extra time given to the side characters, the pay off is still the same as preskip which makes it a bigger waste of time.

Urashima for example got an entire subplot dedicated to him that focused on class difference and sumo. Not only did he quickly get one shot and never seen nor heard from again, Sumo and class are irrelevant in Wano's plot. It would have gotten a lot less attention preskip because it doesn't need so much.
Definitely too many side characters and sterile interactions and stalling over more contentful and important stuff being kinda dismissed. If anything I'm at least enjoying this war.
Since begining of time skip , too many character make everything worse related to one piece . That is all. All crew role has been stolen by side characters .
The obvious one is sanjis cool and clever side transferred law as it is and we saw only just nosebleeding stupidness thing since TS . This is just one example
The obvious one is sanjis cool and clever side transferred law as it is and we saw only just nosebleeding stupidness thing since TS . This is just one example
Oda one upped sanji's stupidity in Whole Cake Island where he made sanji irrationally stupid.

Urashima for example got an entire subplot dedicated to them that focused on class difference and sumo. Not only did he quickly get one shot and never seen nor heard from again, Sumo and class are irrelevant in Wano's plot. It would have gotten a lot less attention preskip because it doesn't need so much.
Yeah wano has the most idiotic moments that lead to nowhere. Wano is full of filler.