General & Others So since Whitebeard was the worlds strongest MAN, weren't Big Mom and Kaido not considered?

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
In ace novel kaido is strongest in terms of power where WB is strongest in terms of 'the way he lives'

Vivre card come after manga and adds
Ace Novel said you would call Kaido the strongest if you were passing drinks around and telling stories.

The manga said Kaido is supposedly the strongest on 3 separate occasions by Law, the narrator and Zoro in that order.

You seriously can't deny that Oda refuses to fully commit to Kaido being the undisputed #1. You can't just tell people to ignore something so crucial.
Because after Rocks death. No other Pirate seemed strong enough.

- Roger and Rayleigh were humans no df.
- Kaido was a kid and was imprisoned and defeated so many times.
- Big Mom was also young but as far as we know she did nothing but build her empire.
- Whitebeard was The strongest with a DF that can destroy the world even thou the likes of Roger existed. So yh the Strongest is simply WB.

The term Yonkou was formed WITH Shanks 6 years ago. So all those years after Roger died WB was the strongest no Big Mom no Kaido no Shanks.
Ace Novel said you would call Kaido the strongest if you were passing drinks around and telling stories.

The manga said Kaido is supposedly the strongest on 3 separate occasions by Law, the narrator and Zoro in that order.

You seriously can't deny that Oda refuses to fully commit to Kaido being the undisputed #1. You can't just tell people to ignore something so crucial.
Chapter 996's title is "Island Of The Strongest", referring to Kaido and in that very same chapter Killer straight up calls Kaido the strongest pirate
In ace novel kaido is strongest in terms of power where WB is strongest in terms of 'the way he lives'

Vivre card come after manga and adds
The same ace novel that confirmed this? And help me if im mistaken but didn't the manga call kaido a man?

WB is the strongest pirate 世界最強の海賊, Kaido was called the same thing in 996 is kaido the strongest for the way he lived.?



You can't win
Titles aside, we can just look at how the most known pirates perceive Whitebeard comparatively to Kaido

- Big Mom is someone who has known Kaido for decades, thinking of him as her little brother, but she seperates Whitebeard from them "even Whitebeard"

- Doflamingo is someone who has been Kaido's business partner, with his nickname(Joker) being a left-over from the beast pirates hierarchy, actually know Kaido's strength enough to be scared just at the prospect of facing an angry version of him, but he knows that Whitebeard was sitting infront of the throne

- Garp is heavily knowledgeable about the Rocks pirates, but he knew that Whitebeard was the king of seas

- Whitebeard was the benchmark to Teach(potential final villain) like Roger is to Luffy, the equal of even the pirate king, the final benchmark of the manga
The way some of u guys take those "world strongest something" literaly is just strange.

Isnt like there's a WG association that give those tittles and make yearly exams for u to keep the title. Those are ways people in general think about some of those legends.

A question for the Native English speakers, in the english community i see a lot of people use "tittle" to refer to "Hawkeye", "World Strongest Swordsman" and even sometimes to "Royal Warlord", wouldnt those three be different things?

For example, Pelé, his name is Edson, he is a.k.a Pelé, but FIFA and other organizations gave him the tittles like best of all times, world best player, etc, while in Brazil he know by the people just as "the King".

Would be like
Mihawk/Newgate = Edson
Hawkeye/WB = Pelé
Warlord/Emperor = Best Player
WSS/WSM = the King
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Titles aside, we can just look at how the most known pirates perceive Whitebeard comparatively to Kaido

- Big Mom is someone who has known Kaido for decades, thinking of him as her little brother, but she seperates Whitebeard from them "even Whitebeard"

- Doflamingo is someone who has been Kaido's business partner, with his nickname(Joker) being a left-over from the beast pirates hierarchy, actually know Kaido's strength enough to be scared just at the prospect of facing an angry version of him, but he knows that Whitebeard was sitting infront of the throne

- Garp is heavily knowledgeable about the Rocks pirates, but he knew that Whitebeard was the king of seas

- Whitebeard was the benchmark to Teach(potential final villain) like Roger is to Luffy, the equal of even the pirate king, the final benchmark of the manga

If anyone says that Kaido isn't the strongest...
WB was the World's Strongest Man.

Kaido is the World's Strongest Creature.

Both are equally comparable in terms of overall strength, but WB was a far, far better pirate than Kaido ever was, and ever will be. His influence over the seas was on equal grounds with that of Roger. It has nothing to do with his WSM title. It probably had more to do with the fact that his DF could cause severe destruction to the world itself.

Kaido gained his reputation through his own strength, not because of his crew. His only ever claim to any significant piece of territory is Wano. All other three Yonko are better pirates than Kaido in terms of territory. What did Fishman Island do after WB died? They went over to BM, who is a far better ruler than Kaido who rules Wano like a piece of garbage and starves the country itself.

BM is also a woman, not a man. World's Strongest Woman also doesn't have much hype behind it in a world ran mostly by men and targeted towards boys.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Well, the context says that "Skull" is obsessed with everything about pirates, he tells to his friends about the information that he has collected over years. If there's anyone who knows what those titles are, then it's probably Skull.
And Skull made it like a rumor, saying it'd something you'd pass around drinking. One of the reasons he views Kaido as the strongest is the rumor of Kaido being unkillable, which we know isn't true.
Well, the context says that "Skull" is obsessed with everything about pirates, he tells to his friends about the information that he has collected over years. If there's anyone who knows what those titles are, then it's probably Skull.
context also says its a belief of skull
in the same quote another character cant make out what to think of shanks .
its an opinion not a fact . the title tags however is undeniably a fact not from the viewpoint of one character . if you have read enough of these novels some marines had contrasting viewpoints on the wss title as well.

wb was the strongest pirate touted as the man on par with roger in strength and when roger passed it was crowned his era by shiki another one of roger's rivals mind you.
a title killer referred to kaido as only in current time.