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It was because how he behaved the last time we had an election like this, he was being over the top trying to get on it. I actually do not recall if he was town or scum that game now that I think about it.
It's just that being in the council is in mafia and town's interest, so I don't see how ducking out is at face value inherently bad. And if you don't know his alignment behavior to compare it to why do you think it's a red flag? Maybe double check that game
And you just happen to ask the guy who also suspects Fuji just a moment after he called you out what his thoughts on Fuji are? Scum tend to try getting on the good sides of the players who scum read them and rn this looked lowkey like you‘re trying to buddy him. The timing was just very weird.

Never give up!
The never give up is really starting to send me!

And you just happen to ask the guy who also suspects Fuji just a moment after he called you out what his thoughts on Fuji are? Scum tend to try getting on the good sides of the players who scum read them and rn this looked lowkey like you‘re trying to buddy him. The timing was just very weird.

Never give up!
I don’t get what’s so bad about asking the person who suspects me for his reads?
it meant he reads, online atm and actually looked good that he was talking about his suspicions, I don’t see why I shouldn’t asked him


There's no "Tina!"
GTH Fuji vs Borto and that push on Fuji from Borto isn‘t Town vs Town.

Let‘s get to the bottom of this!
And you just happen to ask the guy who also suspects Fuji just a moment after he called you out what his thoughts on Fuji are? Scum tend to try getting on the good sides of the players who scum read them and rn this looked lowkey like you‘re trying to buddy him. The timing was just very weird.

Never give up!
Ngl. These posts from Flower are starting to sound like her townie self to me.
It was because how he behaved the last time we had an election like this, he was being over the top trying to get on it. I actually do not recall if he was town or scum that game now that I think about it.

It's just that being in the council is in mafia and town's interest, so I don't see how ducking out is at face value inherently bad. And if you don't know his alignment behavior to compare it to why do you think it's a red flag? Maybe double check that game
He was town that game. And that’s the reason why I was kind of taken aback by Fuji at first, but I can’t speak for the rest of these people piggybacking off what I said since his entrance.


It's just that being in the council is in mafia and town's interest, so I don't see how ducking out is at face value inherently bad. And if you don't know his alignment behavior to compare it to why do you think it's a red flag? Maybe double check that game
I am actually hoping someone else remembers :milaugh:

but yea in short it's in comparison to me seeing him trying to get elected before regardless of what his alignment was.
I don’t get what’s so bad about asking the person who suspects me for his reads?
it meant he reads, online atm and actually looked good that he was talking about his suspicions, I don’t see why I shouldn’t asked him
I told you, the timing felt off.

It felt like: Yo, I‘m not the scum you‘re looking for. Totally n-not, but hey, here‘s Fuji!

You could very well be a Town who didn‘t know how to handle the situation, but I think you handled it poorly.

Never give up trying!
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