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@Flower to further what you asked about, if you do not mind me putting my two cents in.

Since I joined the wg mafia, I have played very passive compared to how I use to. Like not really pushing people, just lightly suggesting what I thought here or there, and after the game is over, I usually find out my reads were dead on and town would have done better if I would have actually pushed what I was thinking. So I think sometimes it's better to risk being wrong, because it mind end up your miss out on being right a lot of the time.
He was town that game. And that’s the reason why I was kind of taken aback by Fuji at first, but I can’t speak for the rest of these people piggybacking off what I said since his entrance.
Ok. Fair enough. I think mafia has quite a strong motive to advocate for themselves and their buddies on council, but that also doesn't mean everyone will do it, could see Fuji falling back.
@Flower to further what you asked about, if you do not mind me putting my two cents in.

Since I joined the wg mafia, I have played very passive compared to how I use to. Like not really pushing people, just lightly suggesting what I thought here or there, and after the game is over, I usually find out my reads were dead on and town would have done better if I would have actually pushed what I was thinking. So I think sometimes it's better to risk being wrong, because it mind end up your miss out on being right a lot of the time.
I always appreciate people‘s input. It helps us all improve!
I told you, the timing felt off.

It felt like: Yo, I‘m not the scum you‘re looking for. Totally n-not, but hey, here‘s Fuji!

You could very well be a Town who didn‘t know how to handle the situation, but I think you handled it poorly.

Never give up trying!
You sre saying it as if Ultra had me in a corner and I just suddenly said “heyy look an elephant” and then I ran away to another universe where Ultra can’t find me
I am here Ultra
He stated his notes regarding me, I answered them, understood it wouldn’t have gone any further so case postponed till further notice, then I moved to Fuji


See my other post. You have a pattern of subbing out as scum, I'm not going to assume you're going to make the most optimal play here if it's too strenuous or time consuming to power wolf. Flying under the radar is also a valid tactic.
I have noticed that a lot of here, a lot of people like subbing out when they are scum. I mark someone as 65% likely to be scum when they sub in.
You sre saying it as if Ultra had me in a corner and I just suddenly said “heyy look an elephant” and then I ran away to another universe where Ultra can’t find me
I am here Ultra
He stated his notes regarding me, I answered them, understood it wouldn’t have gone any further so case postponed till further notice, then I moved to Fuji
Well, we will see. For now I have FoS on you unless you do something which convinces me to read you Town.

The path ahead may be full of obstacles, but we shall overcome them!
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